Issue Description
As a developer who relies on Roblox’s core scripts, I want to understand Roblox’s position on developers forking the CoreScripts (which are available in Studio under CorePackages) to modify them as appropriate for our games.
Historically this hasn’t been an explicit problem, and I’m not asking that these be “open sourced”, which obviously would require significant resourcing by Roblox. Previously, many of the relevant scripts were explicitly placed in “userland” and could be modified and overwritten - this has changed since the new BubbleChat was released as a core script. Staff at the time said this:
To me, this isn’t clear if Roblox is saying it’s not technically capable, or if we are restricted by license from forking. A confirmation or clarification on how we’re meant to treat this code would be appreciated and clear up some of the licensing worries that some developers feel on this issue. I’m not the only developer with these questions; see the following examples: BubbleChat's Epic Makeover - #205 by Noble_Draconian, The Big Bubble Chat Rework - #124 by riles_jan, and BubbleChat's Epic Makeover - #654 by ee0w
Example Use Case
I want to add a specific colour to a Player’s bubble chat when they’re speaking in Team Chat as opposed to publicly. I can do this very simply by forking the Roblox BubbleChat modules, modifying the relevant files, disabling the built-in Bubble Chat and just running mine in user-land. This has great benefit to me (I don’t have to code an entire bubble chat UI library from scratch!) and improves the experience of my players. I see this as a win-win for the platform and for developers.
The reason I’m requesting this under documentation is that this isn’t an engineering feature, but a request for clarification on the licensing which should be put into the developer documentation site.
Issue Area: Documentation Content
Page URL: Roblox Creator Documentation