Clarify Differences Between ‘Font’ Datatype and Enum in Documentation

As a Roblox developer, I would like to see documentation clarifying the distinction between the “Font” datatype and the “Font” enum.

Currently, is used in the GetTextBoundsParams instance for functions like GetTextBoundsAsync(), while using the Font enum here results in an error. It would be helpful if the documentation explicitly referenced the differences between the “Font” datatype and enum, including examples of correct usage.

Font datatype URL: Font | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub
Font enum URL: Font | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

This overlap is just one of several scenarios where naming creates confusion, including even the page titles. Clarifying these distinctions would be a valuable improvement for developers.


I’m happy to send these in as pull requests but can I have some clarification on what you mean here?

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Ideally some cross reference between the datatype and enum pages, acknowledging each others existence.

If I search for “Font” in Google, only the Enum comes up. But if I’m working with a method that requires a Font data type (without knowledge that there is overlapping naming) I would be fairly stuck without doing more research,.

sorry for not getting back quicker, is this ok with you?



merged. might take a moment to show up because roblox need to build it from their end.

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