Clash of Clans ROBLOX version

Clash Of Clans:
The game- I’m looking for a scripter to help me create the game. I have done most of the building and will build more structures as updates require I also will do (if needed) all the graphics for GUIs and such. There is nothing like this type of game on ROBLOX and I believe if done right this can be a staple on the front page of both the games page and blog.

If you don’t know what clash of clans in get out from under a rock or ask me and I’ll explain :slight_smile:
reply or PM me if interested

I remember when I was working on Clash of Clans…

I decided it would be much better to rather make an original idea.

I want ROBLOX to have more original titles.

I’m working on building models for an original, I just figured I have most of the buildings for CoC so I might as well.

Wasn’t the games teams working on a class of clans thing? What happened to it??

Somewhere (only for iPad) one of the forums on here had a link from an admin that wa stage link to the game. I’ve been looking for it forever.

Somewhere (only for iPad) one of the forums on here had a link from an admin that was a link to the game. I’ve been looking for it forever

I was told that it was finished and moved to a secret alt (probably owned by Sorcus)

Somewhere (only for iPad) one of the forums on here had a link from an admin that was a link to the game. I’ve been looking for it forever[/quote]

You mean these?

I made a clash of clans, but I’m missing so many buildings… If you gave me those building, I’ll continue working on the game. :0

Unable to link you to the game atm, but it’s on "kert109"s profile.

Yes Clone but reality is more people are accustomed to CoC and it has a way bigger following so no matter what game comes before it it will be successful

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