Class Replacer Plugin [Free Plugin for Developers]

One of the things I have been discovering is I hate having to replace Instances just because I need it to be a different class. (EX: ImageLabel to ImageButton, or Seat to VehicleSeat) And every time I had to do this I had to copy every single property from the old instance onto the new one, and then delete the old one. It was tedious and frustrating. So I took the time earlier this week to write up a plugin to resolve this.

The Class Replacer Plugin!

How it works!

  1. Select objects you want to run this system on
  2. In the first Text Field labeled “Replace all”, Input the ClassName of the objects you want to replace, if you leave this blank it will run on ALL instances you have selected. Adding the ClassName will make it only replace instances with that ClassName
  3. In the second Text field labeled “With”, Input the ClassName you want to replace those objects with
  4. The toggle for Use Inheritance will cause the replace function to use :IsA instead of .ClassName to determine if the first Text Field matches
  5. The toggle for Run on Children will cause the replace function to search through the children object also
  6. The toggle for Run on Descendants will cause the replace function to search through the descendants of the object also
  7. Click on the Replace button to run the system

What it’ll do:

  • When the objects selected are replaced it will check to make sure the object matches the ClassName from the first Text Field
  • If the object matches, it will instantiate a new instance of the second Text Field
  • It will go through each property of the old object, and copy it over to the new object
  • It will move the children of the old object into the new object
  • It will remove the old object

You can also use the Swap button in-between the Text Fields to swap the two.
It will also notify you in the Output window if there is a new update available for it

You can get the Class Replacer plugin for free!


So what is the reason why we should use this when we have Reclass? Reclass has a clean UI, has been worked on for over a year so less bugs, etc…


Didn’t even know that was a thing. I just tried Reclass and tried to convert a Model to a Folder, and then when I hit CTRL+Z the model returned but none of the children for it. I also did a quick check inside and it makes reference to the HttpService and if that’s not enabled on your game you can’t use it.

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Seems like a useful plugin. Nice job!

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What? I can’t find a plugin called Reclass, because from my side, only free plugins exist…