Classic Roblox Battle, now fixed by me!

About Me

print(“Hello developers!”)

I am Aaron, and this is my first post on the Roblox Developer Forum. I don’t know if I put this in the right section. Let’s get started.
Y’all probably know about this classic game: ROBLOX Battle [OPEN] - Roblox
Fully broken!!1!1!11!!! OH NOES!!1!!11!11

I have experience on fixing broken games tools, and gears (-cough cough filtering-). so, because it was uncopylocked, I decided to fix it. I started repairing the “LoadLibrary” broken functions, and later, the non-FE tools…


You can try my fixed game here: ROBLOX Battle [Fixed]

Current Broken Things

  • DataPersistence is broken (your data will not be saved.)

  • Mobile button that activates the tools.

  • Juggernaut RPG that blows itself up when you shoot or don’t go where u clicked. (this is an strange bug, because I tried other RPGs and the same thing happens, probably is a character’s collision fail)

Recent Fixes


If u want to talk with me, play it or ask how I fixed it, here is my Discord user: aaronx700.


My little dream is to make this fixed game popular. So people (including me) can have a lot of fun. And my hard work won’t be useless.

Sorry if there are mistakes, Im not english!

Thanks for reading and have fun! :slight_smile: