Classic Stud/Weld Texture On Unions

Hello! Well trying to make a game with that classic Roblox style, I came across a problem!

I want to have that classic stud texture, which pretty simple; using the Resurface plugin!
But I came across a problem; when I want to create paths, or has overlapping parts, the studs tend to z-fight, as seen here:


How can I prevent this? I’ve tried using unions but the stud texture immediately disappears? I’ve tried finding the original stud texture, but all of them are either the “circle one”, not transparent, or formatted weirdly (it’s kind of like a straight line of all of the classic textures)

If anyone has classic textures that are transparent, and in seperate files, it would help a lot!

Havin a hard time understanding what you mean, your tryin to create paths without it overlapping each other? That might be impossible but I could be wrong. Have you tried placing them manually forming into a path design? Looks like the part is rotated a certain degree and scaled causing the overlapping issue which I don’t think you can prevent.

Here is a kit including the old classic texture if this is something you’re lookin for.

ED Build Contest 2024.rbxl (172.5 KB)

I just want a texture of the stud texture. I looked at the EB Build Contest Place and those are good but aren’t the studs I’m looking for; I’m looking for the “square” version.

[ • ] Solution

After doing some digging, I found this amazing model that was created by Rhys.

[ • ] How Do I Install It?

First, install the model, and insert it into your workspace. (if you can’t figure this out, theres plenty of tutorials on youtube)

Secondly, drag all (or the ones of your choice, I personally only chose the 2022 versions, but theres MUCH more!) of the materials into MaterialService.

Finally, click the “Material” Button located on the toolbar:

and voilà! You can very easily click on the material!

And Yes! This works with Unions, Meshes, etc. Too! :infinity:

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