Classic styled build WIP!

Hi there! :wave:

I’ve recently picked up an old build I was supposed to finish in my own time but never did. It’s a classic styled build (so essentially made of studs) and I think it’s coming along nicely! It takes a lot of patience, personally, but it also serves as a nice distraction.


Aside from those parts of the build, there’s also one part that I spent quite a while on that is also my favourite part of the entire build (so far) of a mural!

Images 2

Hope you like this as much as I do! I’m pretty proud of it, but if there’s any suggestions feel free to leave them below! :slight_smile:


I absolutely love this style and havent seen it before…

How did you make the terrain and stuff it looks really good


Really cool, haven’t seen anything like it before to be honest. I love the fighting one.

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I put 0.5 tall single stud parts in random areas of the grassy parts, with there being 2 colours for a little more diversity in the grass colours.

As for the stone parts, I also used 0.5 tall single stud parts (sometimes longer so I didn’t have to keep copying one single part in a straight line) and used a light grey and dark grey.

There’s a lot more to it that I don’t have time to get into right now, but that’s the gist of it. :slight_smile:


Thank you! The fighting mural took quite a bit of time, same with the other side of the mural (if those are what you were referring to).

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Well done! The student became the master.


And oh goodness, “mud of studs” is a typo I think. I don’t know how I did that, haha.

Edit: It’s been corrected. Thank you for pointing it out!!

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Looks nice! Definitely gives me the vibe of older showcase builds. However, in my opinion, you’re being a bit too liberal when it comes to your part usage - especially when it comes to the grass and debris. It creates a very visually noisy image, and I think turning it down a notch would be beneficial.

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Oh alright thank you for sharing, I feel like an adventure style map with this type of building style would look absolutely stunning

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I’ve been quite worried about the part count, too, so I’m going to try using less for the grass.

Thank you, though!