I’ve recently picked up an old build I was supposed to finish in my own time but never did. It’s a classic styled build (so essentially made of studs) and I think it’s coming along nicely! It takes a lot of patience, personally, but it also serves as a nice distraction.
Aside from those parts of the build, there’s also one part that I spent quite a while on that is also my favourite part of the entire build (so far) of a mural!
I put 0.5 tall single stud parts in random areas of the grassy parts, with there being 2 colours for a little more diversity in the grass colours.
As for the stone parts, I also used 0.5 tall single stud parts (sometimes longer so I didn’t have to keep copying one single part in a straight line) and used a light grey and dark grey.
There’s a lot more to it that I don’t have time to get into right now, but that’s the gist of it.
Looks nice! Definitely gives me the vibe of older showcase builds. However, in my opinion, you’re being a bit too liberal when it comes to your part usage - especially when it comes to the grass and debris. It creates a very visually noisy image, and I think turning it down a notch would be beneficial.