Classic T-Shirt 3D view does not load

On the website, if you go to any classic T-Shirt for example the Erik Is My Hero T-Shirt and click on 3D view it will infinitely load unless you click on “Try On”.

Expected behavior

Classic T-Shirts should load in 3D in someway or remove/disable the button when “Try On” has not been pressed.


Thank you for reaching out. We have assigned to our team for further review.

That is because Classic T-shirts are 2-Dimensional objects. The 3D Button cannot load a 2D object. But a fix to this would be for there to be the T-shirt attached to some kind of rig. If not, then remove the 3D button from the T-Shirt page.

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^ Yep. Same case with 2D Roblox-created classic faces.

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It would probably work by putting the face decal on a default head for 3D.

Great news! We’ve successfully deployed an update that should fix the reported issue. Let us know if you’re still having any issues.

The fix allows you to press the “Try On” button, but the shirt/face you’re trying on doesn’t actually apply to your character. Instead it applies the default Roblox shirt.


The “fix” has also broken Try On for accessories. Now, when you try on an accessory, it removes your equipped 2D clothing (pants & shirt) and replaces them with the default Roblox ones. These half fixes that cause even more issues are quite frustrating. Can you please make sure it’s actually fixed before updating this post again?


They also just entirely removed the button for shirts and pants which I guess it fixes the T-Shirts but also creates an inconvenience

I don’t think this has been fixed. Also thumbnails are just showing blank avatars.


This is still happening, clothing doesn’t appear and your avatar shows up as an image instead of in 3D.