Clean Buttons For Topics

I Was Inspired By This Post.

So, I’ve Decided To Remake These Buttons, Since My Internet Went Out Once Again lol, And I Think They Turned Out Great! Feel Free To Use For Whatever You’d, Credit Not Required But Is Appreciated.


Source Code




Discord Server

Guilded Server

File Types

Showcase Video

Example Place




Showcase Experience

Get - Creator Store

Buy - Creator Store



Wally Release

Requires Wally

UI Editing Software

Requires Figma

Requires Lunacy

Requires Sketch

Requires Photoshop

VSCode Stuff

Build It With Rojo




VSCode Version

Heads Up

WIP Resource


Incomplete Post



Other Projects


Direct Download

Update Log

Suggestions Appreciated

Support Me

Help Me Out



Alt Version
![Source Code|528x144, 36%](upload://n1SKIpEDPtr68B8CN9JE6i9KJuu.png)
![Documentation|528x144, 36%](upload://xTiHFoLeEtQQhMRrVEZBT8xtjU1.png)
![Source Code + Documentation|690x126, 36%](upload://xYlrUMznEdEQf08DVZdsVwnPx64.png)
![Subscribe|362x144, 36%](upload://3DOVzCU35iwOyrASjYyK8HdOG0p.png)
![Discord Server|476x144, 36%](upload://bDrQK1ui4PpMsqPx4vfNu4xGBcO.png)
![Guilded Server|462x144, 36%](upload://7RnWDxVjPKzC5Q9QTptFevzvk6t.png)
File Types
![Showcase Video|528x144, 36%](upload://h8sVu83q1lBZWG9Q7edyID85XAr.png)
![Example Place|528x144, 36%](upload://7KZgXAsHg6thEyEJOjxBi9Rlulh.png)
![Download|528x144, 36%](upload://jDKbQAZ1ZYM4J8LiixcjxUC4U8O.png)
![Purchase|528x144, 36%](upload://eVctFslKPqBlvZQxCGFcp88k0Lh.png)
![Showcase Experience|584x144, 36%](upload://cAfjIBqihUSz9TYcXKEnHNfeRg8.png)
![Get - Creator Store|530x144, 36%](upload://lb5hEQS2l486vgSVwlWDOKDMXom.png)
![Buy - Creator Store|531x144, 36%](upload://887be3L4trkn1K3i6SgM6tTPuwP.png)
![Donate|305x156, 36%](upload://p06oPbAqRaF89mv9O7XRoCqfaap.png)
![Wally Release|434x144, 36%](upload://9umFZ86zx2QrCKJBcr0yKoDIpKQ.png)
![Requires Wally|450x144, 36%](upload://82inYdQ0iN712LMU0990Qf1weU.png)
UI Editing Software
![Requires Figma|418x140, 36%](upload://9EZ8YEJ3TyxXCl9JzwUCCN31Won.png)
![Requires Lunacy|471x140, 36%](upload://rHucXRNNj43LjkDPVF484ske1hK.png)
![Requires Sketch|471x140, 36%](upload://fRF4QuDrjktYD36AJPnUte4JmkA.png)
![Requires Photoshop|582x140, 36%](upload://lB9guxZ0M7vhbfdmKNsQkfKo5aV.png)
VSCode Stuff
![Build It With Rojo|604x144, 36%](upload://keyeURUzN0slACskdpEsdrzHti7.png)
![Rojo-Compatible|622x144, 36%](upload://oViDoEHPTvLAlVhBDMnitHRNGlJ.png)
![Argon-Compatible|531x144, 36%](upload://cmca5O1PQFm5Kt8R8yQZbK6K3tJ.png)
![VSCode-Compatible|576x144, 36%](upload://lO04SGdggWQ8mOGXfqi9nl02ZKT.png)
![VSCode Version|483x144, 36%](upload://p09upsfO6hSu5aTCIqXkROvPw0P.png)
Heads Up
![WIP Resource|436x140, 36%](upload://qYFVrl8ARwYZGuyYemcNU7xUBW0.png)
![WARNING|436x140, 36%](upload://uM2xx7itvS0bLMDnTgXELf6Sa5n.png)
![Incomplete Post|488x140, 36%](upload://gQZXxcn7FEZ94halM2IhyKWalho.png)
![Credits|293x140, 36%](upload://wxgGQfoBy8NgEckIc5wPWHiJtK0.png)
![Other Projects|436x140, 36%](upload://cf7TtFm5ZHfdrIav2lQOlv2fbod.png)
![Direct Download|528x144, 36%](upload://lUfHrUumJD4FV32IJrCnfY27NTL.png)
![Update Log|413x140, 36%](upload://vviqvBOdzQiXzNyrU4tir5ThZb3.png)
![Thank You|690x110, 42%](upload://jDieU8BikhjLK7PBVBhBMPOBiHx.png)
![Suggestions Appreciated|610x140, 36%](upload://jPNoCk40jg8Iq3RkRi4BFcweB0n.png)
![Ported To Roblox|690x103, 50%](upload://llVQ0rpiaoJmVFwY8eiQtIOT4TC.png)
![Support Me|355x140, 36%](upload://nDGnorJA9SSTNMy0thkbr8r2dBJ.png)
![Help Me Out|393x140, 36%](upload://fzNJRz8uzejoraog3peX4vAbOIR.png)
![MIT License|690x97, 50%](upload://fxwfleiicOoKXxxyZLYjCEt2nlb.png)
![GNU LIcense|690x102, 50%](upload://h2StLgMr9CI9eOu1RSjaCjjwTi9.png)
![Knit Framework|690x104, 50%](upload://312IHs1S9iW6m5ueAeNjt2S1OuM.png)
![Lumin Framework|690x95, 50%](upload://agwciOT635xljdFtu4MzCahswcE.png)
![Prvd 'm worng|690x78, 50%](upload://1r75naEbVzFLMoic9jsoMTm7JoX.png)

(Rename The File Below From .zip To .free, I Recommend Opening It Up In Lunacy.)

Download The File Containing The Buttons

Direct Download

Thats All Of Them, Also, Let Me Know If I Should Add Any More Buttons :slight_smile:

How To Download A File When Clicking On A Image

First, upload your file, it should look something like this:

Lets Break This Into 4 Parts:

  • 1A. ! indicates this is a either image/GIF, video, or .zip file.

  • 2A. Test is the name of the image| 690x409]

  • 3A. upload just means its been uploaded to the devforum servers (i think)
    its then followed by a ://, indicating its a link, but how do you find this link?
    well, after some digging, i was able to find it, it’s"insert your file link here"

  • 4A. kcot8Ht3Q2Gcj3TFIpdNVyVxKg2 is the link of the file.

now, with this knowledge, this is how you should structure it:

This Will Download The Resource Upon Clicking On The Image:

<a href=""insert file link" download>

"insert image here"

Barebones Version
<a href=""insert file link here" download>

![27 - Creator Store Download|690x214, 48%](upload://dfoaOJ3RzKxqd8xKcz6kAnWkoSl.png)


Bonus: Opens A Link Upon Clicking On The Image:

<a href="insert link here">

"insert image here"

Barebones Version
<a href="">

![27 - Creator Store Download|690x214, 48%](upload://dfoaOJ3RzKxqd8xKcz6kAnWkoSl.png)


And Remember, It’s Dashin Time! See You All Later.

Original Post

So, i was inspired by this post and decided to make my own lil button pack, i just made this for fun while my internet was off lol.

Here’s the buttons:

Buttons PNGs

![35 - Github|690x214, 48%](upload://bdxOqFdxRlkbkMYML530R6L9AVl.png)

![34 - Github Alt|690x214, 48%](upload://ildU2cneChWS6QEJoIq1ObNR8GY.png)

![33 - YouTube|690x214, 48%](upload://j2PZxflf5y546XHEau4yeyefiam.png)

![32 - Video|690x214, 48%](upload://76k2HQhkxXTYwmdNdGjqijZLh9D.png)

![31 - Example Place|690x214, 48%](upload://mHT09zZTrSAJ8Y42tGcnSBSkoQ9.png)

![29 -|690x214, 48%](upload://zMrgCvpLDpohlhpjbaWpIF5zwsq.png)

![28 - Plugin Download|690x214, 48%](upload://u3U3F0fpF1VGNlkvSK2LvvZlQUj.png)

![27 - Creator Store Download|690x214, 48%](upload://dfoaOJ3RzKxqd8xKcz6kAnWkoSl.png)

![26 - Wally|690x214, 48%](upload://bu9KJLXUFOJe0iPMClTosqZ91WY.png)

![25 - Direct Download|690x214, 48%](upload://tNi09CANqzoNtCaCdlb1Fb2TZPb.png)

![24 - ZIP File|690x214, 48%](upload://hZZLlrxotAQumVC1Mqs5gLvlvrS.png)

![23 - Discord|690x214, 48%](upload://c9Nh4P5nmaDkE8qbGGpb09uhp1E.png)

![22 - Guilded|690x214, 48%](upload://bs47lF5eSgut5lzorRyN6uW6JDQ.png)

![21 - Figma|690x214, 48%](upload://9i1lfYcjOAaAln74RuvxKxmYbUh.png)

![20 - Lunacy|690x214, 48%](upload://x7hnHJl6dvbtFoxSDhs14hwfCFs.png)

![19 - Sketch|690x214, 48%](upload://1Vx6y6NBt4cwm5nZf4Xae2cm9gd.png)

![18 - Photoshop|690x214, 48%](upload://u0zULkMHf7kZeQH5cT0gEBlEGwL.png)

![17 - Donation|690x214, 48%](upload://qqpOKMSZVS3R8HrmWUAgn6aQCJ1.png)

![16 - Rojo|690x214, 48%](upload://q3PdDZZoGJvhTaax6n3rIgNou1Z.png)

![15 - Argon|690x214, 48%](upload://v3B3Z5C7QkItOLlmN8dDQyCcorT.png)

![14 - VS Code|690x214, 48%](upload://hjBFsoTrYjSgvOwlsUHKDXP1ieu.png)

![13 - Roblox Group|690x214, 48%](upload://4bHfb2niAENVDs9XKIimM3A5KvO.png)

![12 - Credits|690x214, 48%](upload://iivER1D06E7o2QM3VH5ErQrhMmI.png)

![11 - Other Projects|690x214, 48%](upload://4rddhdYNUg9r1xtCfd4XgLWOpY.png)

![10 - Warning|690x214, 48%](upload://uBfWVGVK09oNfhQxV576YLsVzE2.png)

![9 - Update Log|690x214, 48%](upload://2UegbQXatJ47LFDmyM2PFYdVYa7.png)

![8 - Thank You|690x214, 48%](upload://hQQUWNrkhtnAgBvg9BBIgFkogrg.png)

![7 - Suggestion|690x214, 48%](upload://mZ5whpufeydM8uRIB6ZK39s5xho.png)

![6 - Ported To Roblox|690x214, 48%](upload://vBk9MmxkfYBIHLFfshEBJgHguP3.png)

![5 - MIT License|690x214, 48%](upload://3ps9ZIPH4fNlATq9cjkrc6q8RTo.png)

![4 - GNU License|690x214, 48%](upload://6yzfkpjWMS6hnNqymysW2vutlMv.png)

![3 - Knit Framework|690x214, 48%](upload://86nwyOGSKQ7Hsxpi2LSiw37dbCN.png)

![2 - Lumin Framwork|690x214, 48%](upload://ev8knXdSCIG2qEaANqgUu1RSFWc.png)

![1 - prvd 'm wrong|690x214, 48%](upload://eRsPA6r1KQHDV5l3LWlfo22L7V7.png)

Here’s the editable file (which i’ll mostly like update from time to time)

24 - ZIP File

(Switch file type to .free and open in a vector-based editor.)

and here’s how to put a download-able file in a image, the file link is the random numbers you get at the end of a uploaded file, like my zip file for example, it’s “hZZLlrxotAQumVC1Mqs5gLvlvrS” so just pastes yours and it’ll download when you click your image.

Download Resource Upon Button Click:

<a href=""file link" download>

"your image here"


Open A Link Upon Button Click:

<a href="">

![27 - Creator Store Download|690x214, 48%](upload://dfoaOJ3RzKxqd8xKcz6kAnWkoSl.png)


And let me know what you think of them and if there’s any other ones you’d like to see, which i’ll try to make, anyways, ya’ll have a good day or night! - KingBlueDash



The text is incredibly hard to read and the robux icon just doesn’t really pop


alr, i’ll go ahead and fix that, thanks!

1 Like

ok, i’ve updated it and some of the other ones aswell.

missed opportunity to use the zip download button for your own zip file


fr! i’m surprised i forgot lol

yeah uh i tried to change it but for some reason it dosen’t work :skull:

1 Like

Updated the pack with some new buttons, just for fun and trying to extend the use cases of these.

1 Like

Updated the post, showing how to add downloadable files into images, and added the image links so you guys can copy and paste them into your posts.

I use your buttons alot. Pls add Support and play game button.

Thank you! I’m glad you find them of use, but what do u mean by Support? i’ll make the play game one soon.

Im kinda dumb but how would you do this to input links like the creator store?

I mean “support me” button like help me etc

You can do this like so (had to do a bit of tweaking to get this working, surprised i hadn’t thought of someone needing this for normal links.)


27 - Creator Store Download


<a href="">

![27 - Creator Store Download|690x214, 48%](upload://dfoaOJ3RzKxqd8xKcz6kAnWkoSl.png)


Replace the link in the quotes with the link to your creator store resource, cheers!

Here’s some mockups for what i assume ur talking about, please let me know if there’s anything i should change, I’m gonna go to bed now tho.

1 Like

Updated the post with some cleaner buttons, hope you all enjoy!