The ConnectCard Policy
The following terms and conditions must be abided by for you to keep your ConnectCard for Cleardell Riverside Railway (“CRR”). If you choose not to follow this Policy, your ConnectCard will be voided.
Section One
1.1: These Terms & Conditions are subject to change at any time, and were last updated on 2nd September 2019.
1.2: Your ConnectCard is only valid on CRR services, and remains valid until after 52 weeks of purchase.
1.3: You can apply for a ConnectCard online or from any staffed station on CRR, unless if you have been previously banned from applying for one.
1.4: Any uniformed staff member ranked above Signal Controller reserves the right to revoke your ConnectCard licence.
1.5: Using a false ConnectCard will result in you being banned from purchasing a CRR ConnectCard and result in a penalty fare for any journeys you have made on the false ConnectCard.
1.6: Attempting to bribe a staff member to keep your ConnectCard will result in a direct ban from purchasing or applying for a ConnectCard in future instances.
Section Two
2.1: It is a criminal offence to exchange ConnectCards with other person(s). The person(s) that you have exchanged your ConnectCard with will be liable to pay a penalty fare alongside you.
2.2: Showing any form of disrespect or assault towards a Staff Member will result in an instant ban from purchasing or continuing to use a CRR ConnectCard.
2.3: Committing a crime on CRR property will result in a large penalty fare, a permanent ban from the Railways and possible prosecution.
2.4: If you have damaged your ConnectCard, our staff reserve the right to refuse repair of your ConnectCard. You will be required to reapply for a ConnectCard.
2.5: Your ConnectCard is only valid on Cleardell Riverside Railway services, and remains valid until after 52 weeks of purchase.
2.6: Your ConnectCard remains the property of CRR, and can be returned to the Cleardell Riverside Railway Headquarters situated on Westbourne Road, a 2 minute walk away from Cleardell St. Andrews Station.
2.7: Before you board a train, you are required to have a ConnectCard with a ticket or sufficient credit loaded valid for the train you intend to use and for the journey you intend to make. Tickets cannot be loaded onto a ConnectCard on-board the train. Failure to load a valid ticket before boarding the train may result in you being liable to pay the full single or return fare, or a penalty fare in-game.
Section Three
3.1: If you have a physical ConnectCard and lose it, damage it or it is stolen, you can apply for a replacement.
3.2: You must specify your details to apply for a ConnectCard, this includes:
- 3.2.1: Your ROBLOX Name at the time of application.
- 3.2.2: You must visit a ticket office or help desk at a station for enquiries.
3.3: At the start and end of every journey, your smartcard must be placed on the smartcard reader located on the automatic ticket gate, or where no automatic gates exist, on a platform validator. The reader indicates the card has been properly read by making an audible “bleep” and showing a green light.
3.4: If your ConnectCard is stolen, you will be strongly advised to visit a Help Desk, or Ticket Office within the Cleardell area. This excludes stations in the Coldhall zone.
- 3.4.1: At a Help Desk/Ticket Office, a staff member will deactivate your card.
- 3.4.2: This can only take place if you remember your eight digit serial code.
- 3.4.3: Your eight digit serial code will look something like this: ‘’AB12C34’’
3.5: Once cancelled, a card cannot be “re-activated”. We will ask you to confirm your details before we cancel your card and arrange for a replacement to be issued. This may take up to 7 working days. You will be notified about your replacement by a High Ranking Official, if you are active on Discord. Please note that you will not be eligible for a replacement if you are not active on Discord and will have to re-apply to continue using a ConnectCard.
3.6: If your ConnectCard is faulty, you will need to notify us by submitting a bug report. We will repair it free of charge. Where we reasonably believe it has been deliberately damaged or misused, we reserve the right to charge an administration fee in-game for its repair. If we believe your card has been tampered with in any way, we may withdraw it without refunding the remaining ticket values.
Section Four
4.1: Causing a scene at a railway station or elsewhere about any issues regarding your ConnectCard will result in a permanent ban from ConnectCard.
4.2: If you are found not to have touched in at the start or end of your journey or if your mobile phone or contactless device has run out of battery and cannot be read, you may be charged a maximum fare or you may be given a penalty fare or you may be prosecuted.
4.3: When you touch your ConnectCard on a yellow card reader, or a portable card reader held by staff, you are giving authorisation for the cost of your journey, including any maximum fares or unpaid fares, to be charged to your card account.
4.4: Pink ConnectCard readers are also available at some stations for you to indicate the route you take and ensure you pay the correct fare for your journey.
4.5: If you are applying for a premium ConnectCard for 100 in-game points, you will have to be an active Discord member of the CRR Discord, of which a link is included in the Social Media tab of our group.
4.6: Premium ConnectCards also have rewards, as sometimes at In-Station Cafes or Restaurants, you may receive a discount on certain items, and you will receive First Class for free on trains that have First Class.
4.7: If your Premium ConnectCard has been misplaced, lost or stolen you must go directly to either of the following stations:
- 4.8.1: Newgate South
- 4.8.2: Cleardell St. Andrews
- 4.8.3: If you go to either of these stations’ Ticket Offices/Help Desks, you must ask for help, explain the situation to the Receptionist ranked Dispatcher or above, and provide your Premium ConnectCard’s serial code which should look a bit like this: ‘’12AB34CD’’.
The Closing Statements & Links
You can return your ConnectCard to Cleardell Riverside Railway Headquarters, 16 Westbourne Road, Cleardell, CL2 0PD.
You can apply for a ConnectCard at any staffed station, or online. The link is available on our Discord server, included in the Social Media tab of our group.
These Terms & Conditions remain valid until 1st September 2020.
Ali365Dash - Developer
Alex_R2000 - Minister Of Transportation