Click detector help

Hey developers. So I have a issue. I have a lot of click detectors close together. My issue is that they don’t work. I know that there is a click detector in them. But only about 3 out of every 10 work. Now I saw from other posts that roofs can effect the click detectors. The “roofs” in my case are the selected blue parts in the image. The problem is I don’t want to remove them because it wouldn’t make sense in a game to have floating characters that are clickable. So how can the click detectors work, without having to remove the parts that “Visually supports them”? Any help is appreciated!

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Make sure the click detector is inside of a BasePart, like the Torso. You can also add an invisible part and inside the click detector which shouldn’t be a problem.

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They are paired with the HumanoidRootPart already. But I mean I can try a invisible part… But I can’t make it too small, because the click click part is already smaller.

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Have you checked the max click distance?


Yes. they are well far enough for the player, 32. And as mentioned before. some work like intended some don’t. I messed with roofing a bit. It doesn’t seem to be the cause anymore. However I need these clicks detectors to be reliable and most-all of them to work.

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Well, if a click detector doesn’t work the reason might be in the script. If you click and nothing happens then you should probably check out your script.


I can tell the problem is not in my script. Here is how:

  • Some work fine and they are all made the same way
  • I can’t click on them. They have a click detector, I can see in studio, they don’t allow me to click to give my script an input in the first place.
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If the script is fine but you are not able to click it, then my best guess is that something is interfering with the part, try setting, as I said before, the click detector to another part or change its position.

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It seems like parenting it to the model works better then a invisible part. Idk why, but thanks for the help!

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oh man I just realized that you can parent it to a model. I always thought you had to parent it to a basepart :skull:
anyways im glad to have helped you


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