There is a click detector in my cylinder part, all of the five parts have decals on it. When i try to click the part the click detector doesn’t seem to be working.
an invisible part could be blocking the click detectors or maybe the click detector MaxActivationDistance
is too low
Please send me the part properties
the max activation distance is 32
and also when i have my mouse on the button and then click on the windows key on my keyboard, the mouse becomes clickable until i press back on the roblox sutdio tab
make the part containing the click detectors thicker
Did you set the cursor icon in the click detector to something else?
Make sure there are no invisible parts obstructing the clickdetectors as well
Have you tried clicking it at different angles? It could be due to the client’s perspective.
If it only works at different angles maybe you could try increasing the max activation distance even though it’s already at 32, just see if it makes a difference.
Well i just found out that click detectors dont work for me when joining the place to test it out. I discoverd that the click detectors only work when generating a local server.