i have a click detector inside a part that makes a little gui get bigger inside it so the player knows they are hovering over it but it only works when i’m farther away from it. the only thing i can think of and it doesn’t really make sense is that i have the camera facing only one direction, i have a custom camera basically, but i wouldn’t think that would break click detectors here’s the script and a video >
local detector = script.Parent.ClickDetector
local part = script.Parent
-- if player hovers over it
print(player.Name.." hovered over a tile")
part.SurfaceGui.Enabled = true
part.SurfaceGui.frame.inner.Size = UDim2.new(0,0,0,0)
part.SurfaceGui.frame.inner:TweenSize(UDim2.new(1,-20,1,-20), "Out", "Quad", .15, true)
-- if player stops hovering over it
part.SurfaceGui.frame.inner:TweenSize(UDim2.new(0,0,0,0), "In", "Quad", .15, true)
part.SurfaceGui.Enabled = false
print(player.Name.." stopped hovering over a tile")
-- if player clicks it
Maybe try putting the ClickDetector inside of an invisible cube above the actual part, i also think this has something to do with the perspective of the player.
Stop getting so mad. I just suggested, sometimes you have to try all possibilities and I also mentioned that it’s the player’s perspective that makes it so try changing the position and stuff.
yep, there are 0 good fan-made animal crossing themed games, let alone on roblox. i’m attempting to do what loomian legacy did for pokemon and i’ve got a lot of original ideas i want to add on to it. let me know if you’ve got any suggestions
Maybe adding a true storyline to it? Also maybe adding aspects of other games to it (like portals to move npcs around or cars and boats (cars and boats are not from a video game, but the portals are)?) After all, my next game is will be like Pokemon Legends, but will have some features of Pet Sim X