Click gui giver script wont work

Here is my script it wont work idk why

local part = script.Parent

local click = part:WaitForChild("ClickDetector")

local click = script.Parent.ClickDetector


local h = click.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")

local plyr = game.Players:FindFirstChild(h.Perant.Name)

local p = game.Players:FindFirstChild(plyr.PlayerGui.scGUI)

p.Enabled = true

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Try doing
local p = plyr:FindFirstChild(“PlayerGui”):FindFirstChild(“scGUI”)

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local plyr = game.Players:FindFirstChild(h.Perant.Name)

“Perant”? I think you wanted to type Parent.

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nope it didnt work again same problem

You can just do

local part = script.Parent
local click = part:WaitForChild("ClickDetector")
--[[ local click = script.Parent.ClickDetector 
      ^ this line isn't necessary, you already defined it at line 2  ]]

click.MouseClick:Connect(function(player) -- change the parameter name to something other than "click" to not cause confusion between the variable and the argument
local h = click.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
local plyr = game.Players:FindFirstChild(h.Perant.Name) <- you also misspelled "Parent"
local p = game.Players:FindFirstChild(plyr.PlayerGui.scGUI)

the parameter already sends the player who clicked it, you don't need to do anything fancy
to get the player ]]

local gui = player.PlayerGui.scGUI
gui.Enabled = true

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Well, being unaware I can only assume on what you’re trying to achieve. I hope this helps though: script.Parent.MouseClick:Connect(function(player)
player.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild(“scGUI”).Enabled = true


Also, click should be replaced with something that resembles the player. When it is clicked the parameter is what clicked it, which is the player. And the player does not contain a Humanoid. Instead it would be player.Character.Humanoid


First, Perant is spelled wrong, I would suggest doing

local click = script.Parent.ClickDetector

	local plrGui = playerWhoClicked:WaitForChild('PlayerGui')
	local gui = plrGui:FindFirstChild('scGUI')
	gui.Enabled = true

No need to check for Humanoid, this should work

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It only works once idk why like when i close it and click on it again it wont appear why is this?

Try this script:

local part = script.Parent
local click = part.ClickDetector

    player.PlayerGui.scGUI.Enabled = true
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local part = script.Parent
local click = part:WaitForChild('ClickDetector')

    player.PlayerGui.scGui.Enabled = true
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It didnt work again idk why this is happening?

ok so I assume there’s a local script that closes it, try this

local part = script.Parent
local click = part:WaitForChild('ClickDetector')

    player.PlayerGui.scGui.Enabled = false
    player.PlayerGui.scGui.Enabled = true
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Ah yes this is the problem thank you for fixing this

If it’s being closed by a gui it will not work, because you’re making it visible on the server you need to close it on the server. This can be done with a remote event.

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