Click To Get Tool Tutorial

Hello, @robeatsdeath here, here’s a tutorial on how to setup a simple click to get tool system!

First, open up Roblox Studio and make a new place if you haven’t already. Then, let’s insert a part into our baseplate.

Then, put your tool in ServerStorage.

Next, insert a ClickDetector in the part and then put a script inside the ClickDetector.

The explorer should look something like this now:

Open up the script, this is where we’ll be for most of the tutorial.

Now if we want to detect when a player clicks the part/clickdetector, we can use the MouseClick event to detect it.

Let’s insert our MouseClick event.



Now, some might be confused about how the script is layed out so let me break it up:

script.Parent - This gets the parent of the script so the parent of our script is ClickDetector.
MouseClick - This is an event of the ClickDetector. It’s used for detecting when a player has leftclicked the part/ClickDetector.
Connect() - This connects the given function to the event.
Function() - This represents the task/function.
(plr) - It’s short for player.

Now, let’s define the local variables for our tool.

local Tool = game.ServerStorage:WaitForChild("Tool")

Next, let’s use the clone function and add everything together.

local Tool = game.ServerStorage:WaitForChild("Tool")
	local ToolClone = Tool:Clone() -- clones the tool
	ToolClone.Parent = plr.Backpack -- adds the tool to the players backpack

This may look done but we still have another problem to solve. The tool can still be equipped multiple times so how do we prevent that? We can prevent it by checking if the character or backpack of the player has that tool.

Let’s start by adding a local variable that we’ll use later. (Keep in mind this has to be inside the MouseClick function for it to work.)

	local PlayerHasTool = plr.Character:FindFirstChild("Tool") or plr.Backpack:FindFirstChild("Tool")

Now we can insert an if statement so if they have the tool, it’s not going to do anything but if they don’t, it’s going to clone the tool to their backpack!

If PlayerHasTool then
local ToolClone = Tool:Clone()
ToolClone.Parent = plr.Backpack

In the end, your code should look something this:

local Tool = game.ServerStorage:WaitForChild("Tool")
	local PlayerHasTool = plr.Character:FindFirstChild("Tool") or plr.Backpack:FindFirstChild("Tool")
	if PlayerHasTool then
		local ToolClone = Tool:Clone()
		ToolClone.Parent = plr.Backpack

There you have it, a click to get tool system!

Thanks for viewing my forum post. This is my first tutorial so please leave feedback!

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Haha that’s exactly what I needed! It looks like you made it for me lol :joy:


I wrote it because you mentioned that you didn’t know it! :rofl:


Yes I know but you made all a tutorial for me lol

Even with this tutorial I think I’m able to make the script don’t work :rofl:

It’s good but 1 slight problem, you can get the tool multiple times and get clones, like what if someone followed this tutorial and wanted to make a gun pickup? which is why it’s a slight problem

Thanks for your feedback! I was thinking about it but then forgot :frowning: . I will edit the tutorial and add it!

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I’m going to bookmark it to remind me of this post next time.

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I have added that part in now.


For me it don’t looks like this…

It doesn’t have to exactly look like that but just similar to that. Also that’s just the base parts I’m showing, you don’t have to delete the whole code to follow the tutorial.

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hello Im make a skill doesn’t tools now when player press e character will have a vfx in hand and when player click it attack but how to make script when player click(Script click in screen , not click part)