try to click the npc and open a gui
local cc = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera
cc.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Scriptable
cc.CFrame = game.Workspace.ResetCam.CFrame
player:WaitForChild("PlayerGui").Quest.Quest1.Visible = true
Im pretty sure that if its a server side script. It’ll not be possible because camera is useable for local side only
it wont open if i click for the second time
So the camera and the gui work on the first time right?
The reason might be that it was still enabled
i got 1 script
button.Parent.Visible = false
Is the script server side or local side?
i want to make it only the player who click the npc open the gui
Aha! Do not use local script and server script when you are trying to enable and disable a gui!
When you disable in local scripts the server reads it as it was enabled!
To fix this you must change the local script into a server script instead
btw what local script? the local script in gui?
This local script you used to disable a visible!