Clickdetector for mobile device

Hello community,
Today I make ask with the default questions :grin::

  1. What do you want to achieve? I want to know how to get an event from a player that touches (with his finger on his mobile device) a clickdetector or a part. Without a script that works with mouse.hit if mouse.hit = part then ....

  2. What solutions have you tried so far? I searched in web and messed around in roblox studio, but nothing helped me. The only thing I found is how to detect if a player is mobile (but not in combound with my clickdetector/part)

I hope you can help me.
If you need more information, be free to ask


Don’t click detectors already work for mobile devices? Or am I mistaken? What are you trying to do?


They already work on mobile, just have to be tapped twice.


ahh, twice. That is why it didn’t worked when I tested :laughing:
Sorry for my wrongdoing when I tested it.
Thanks for your help!

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Thanks for your help, I tested it wrong. I am not a phone players, so I didn’t know that I have to tap twice.