Clicking "Configure" on an uploaded model results in 500 Internal Server Error

When this bug occurs, I get a 500 Internal Server Error webpage. This happens when I click “Configure” on a model I have published to Roblox. Normally, the Configure page would appear and allow me to change model settings (such as setting it to be a Free model).

It happens both when I click Configure from the Create tab, and when I click Configure in the dropdown menu on the asset page. This happens for all models I have uploaded, every single time I click Configure.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open Studio
  2. Create a New Baseplate place
  3. Right click Baseplate in the Explorer window
  4. Select “Save to Roblox…”
  5. Click (Create New)
  6. Enter name “MyBaseplate”
  7. Click Finish
  8. Go to the Models section on the Create tab on (
  9. Click the dropdown with the gear icon on the Baseplate asset
  10. Click Configure

Here is the link to the model I am attempting to update (although it happens for all models):

Short video clip clicking Configure and showing the error:

I only noticed this happening today, 9/13/2018 at 3:30PM PST. I don’t know how long it has been broken.


We are investigating this issue. Thanks for the report.


Should be resolved. Can you verify that the fix works for you @BusyCityGuy?


Can confirm, it’s fixed!

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