Howdy! I was wondering if there were formulas ya’ll used to determine pricing for rebirths, egg purchases, upgrades, etc. We are trying to make it where it slowly increases in pricing so you play longer. Thanks for any help, also feel free to ask for clarifications.
Well I don’t know any formulas but what I could think of is determining the prices with how long it takes you to get that much. Do you want to take 5 minutes to get the first pet? Or do you want 20 minutes to get the first pet. It kinda all depends on how long and what upgrades that’ll make it quicker.
I would actually use different ratios, exactly how many times do you want a player to click before they can afford the item? You want this amount of clicking to increase, to make it easy at first and just draw the player in. You could start at a 90:1 ratio, and slowly increase. Maybe by tool 20 it is a 220:1ratio? Just make sure prices are proportionate to clicks.
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