Clicking Simulator Rebirth price multiplier not working

My friend is making a clicking simulator and has a few lines of code that hes stuck on.

When rebirthing he would like the cost of a rebirth to multiply, from 10 to 20 from 20 to 40 and so on, but he doesnt know how to do that (neither do I) . Heres a picture of the code.

So far we have tried many other things and even somehow multiplying the amount of rebirths you get…

something like

local price = 10 * (rebirths.Value*2) > 0 and 10 * (rebirths.Value*2) or 10

then change 10 in the if conditions to price. But either way, this wouldn’t work properly. This is a local script, meaning that the rebirth value won’t actually change on the server.

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