Client Audio Glitches

Recently, I’ve come across a strange audio glitch when working on some of my current projects, it only happens occasionally and will often go away with rejoining. The issue is that there is no audible different between Roblox volume level 1 and 10. Regardless of your Roblox volume settings, it will always be blaring as if at level 10. I’ve done some research in order to find if anybody else was having this issue and surely enough the last time something similar was cited was in 2015:

Similar posts to the one mentioned above also exist, a moment of the audio being even louder at the initial start up also tends to happen, this often results in your ear drums being destroyed at Roblox volume level 1 and computer volume at 30.

The solution for the post mentioned above was Windows 10 was not yet supported, I would assume after 3 years, this would be something resolved, is this something new? This occurs almost entirely in game and not in the client test of studio.

Thank you for your time,

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