[Client Beta] In-experience Mesh & Image APIs now available in published experiences

IS there any way to use spritesheets with this? When i tried importing every sprite seperately it just took forever. each sprite is only 16x16 pixels, so if i could render a chopped section of the sprite that would be really nice.


I am currently uploading UGC accessories to the marketplace and getting errors related to this release whenever I select the Asset Category (Hat, Face Accessory, etc.)


any updates on asset permissions? Almost all my editable api projects have been turned on their head since yall restricted us from creating instances out of anything not owned by us


the editable api was really nice up until a few weeks ago, Iā€™m genuinely livid that they forced us to use our own assets for everything

Iā€™m seriously considering switching to unity/godot/unreal atp


Better kick off all of the not id verified developers as some point. Allowing users to build their own games out of parts might put the safe and civil foundation of the platform in a state of jeopardy!


Seriously? Thereā€™s absolutely no meaning to locking developers who donā€™t id verify their account out of such a useful feature. Is there a true reason to this? The game and players is out of question, but the tools we are using get limited becauseā€¦ why? What will a passport or any other identification prove to you guys that Iā€™m worthy of using EditableMeshes? Genuinely confused here.


i personally wouldnā€™t mind them lifting restrictions with the cost of id verification, since most people >13 should have some tangible identification card anyway


That makes sense, but itā€™s basically restricting a more complex version of editing parts in a live game because the creator of the game needs to show identification.


Nice update, however i would like to see a non ID-Required version as i do not like to give my id to any game and or platform in general, it would be nice to kinda roll it out slowly to more people for example how the 100 audio uploads changed from idā€™s to verified numbers, i think it would be neat for something similar to happen here.


yeah I get where youā€™re coming from. Iā€™m only now finding out that they put this behind an id wall :skull: i thought you were commenting on speculation


OK. This is again a fantastic feature. Really awesome and pushes the engine at its new limits, etc. Awesome stuff. BUT we got to address the elephant in the room.

Age requirements all in the name of ā€œprotectingā€ babies? Why not just add these restrictions on absolutely everything on the platform because ultimately EVERYTHING can be used to make spooky content. Itā€™s beyond insane man.

You need to give credit to Roblox for at least ā€œcaringā€ here. The same people who push for more freedom here are the first to want to abuse it.

I agree Roblox has not been the best with moderation but its best that give feedback NOW before they take 10 years to implement basic safety guards.

While the lookout on the parents statement is fair, the real victims are the children at the end of the day and it would be unfair to not implement these because of their parents. The children are probably unaware of what can happen.

I know my opinion will sound controversial, but if any controversy arises from this API this will provoke another PR nightmare for the company (and add even more restrictions that there already was). They willingly have more to lose than win and I think that personally that feature should even be restricted more to even less people.
This is more than just UGC or bypassed decals. It is full an unmoderated control on the pixels rendered on the screen.

You HAVE to always assume the worst scenario possible here. Some images can stay ingrained in the mind of someone forever.

But other than that, great job on Robloxā€™s team. Iā€™m glad to see Roblox is trying to grow into more of a bigger and more powerful engine everyday. Keep it up.


This is great!

I have a question. Would creating a client-replicating slider-based texture pattern editing system be acceptable for this launch? They are temporary, but I would like players to show off what theyā€™ve created.

In my use case I want players to be able to decorate their own plate with constraints. This means using perlin noise, pre-defined textured masks in which scale can be adjusted and changing colors. The user CANNOT free-draw. The server will ensure the slider values are within-bounds and then replicate to other clients the slider values for recreation. The possibilities for patterns and color combinations makes this an exciting feature for my game.

In a follow up to this, would this make my game free-form despite being no free-form drawing mechanic or would the game still remain 9+ considering it locks the players designs to pre-defined sliders ensuring safety and civility?



I think weā€™re lucky they didnā€™t lock occlusion culling behind ID verification.

Actually, shouldnā€™t give them ideasā€¦ :sweat_smile:


well we cant have little 8 year old timmy taking a free model from the toolbox that creates horrible things using this, can we?

ID-verification ensures this does not happen, if you are not willing to verify you arenā€™t 9, you canā€™t have access to features like these. It is simply just a safety measure which is very needed because of all those little kids who fake their age so they can get access to extra features that can be exploited, such as this.


free-form user creation is basically allowing the user to change an image or mesh in any way they want, however they want

so no, using predefined textures and sliders to edit an image is not considered free-form user creation (unless the user themselves can upload textures)

1 Like

This is incredibly awesome, however my joy for it was sapped away due to the ID-verification requirement. Please reconsider, as I would like to use this API without sacrificing my privacy.


Iā€™ve been around for many new feature releases, which seemingly always come with caveats that discard certain use cases, but Iā€™ve never seen a feature release as such an utter and complete disappointment as this. Iā€™m not going to verify my ID just to draw triangles on screen. Great job roblox.


Itā€™s great that this feature can now be used in games, but I donā€™t understand why the 13+ restriction applies to plugins as well. I was working on a plugin yesterday that relied on EditableImages but now itā€™s broken due to this :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

The 13+ ID verification requirement is also insane. This isnā€™t gonna prevent people from bypassing nsfw or offensive assets onto this platform, unless thereā€™s a deeper meaning behind this restriction.


I donā€™t often reply to things like these, but seriously? id-verification for an API i previously had access to? Also id-verification locked games which have freeform drawing/editing/building? Does that include games like bloxburg?.. Its technically a drawing game afterall. Why would anyone go through the effort of using these APIā€™s to break guidelines, when you already can and easily by placing a few parts in a certain order, moderation should be done on a per game basis, restrictions like these shouldnā€™t be placed on the API itself.


I was happy until I read THIS.
WHAT in the hell is owner of this decision?
I understand that this will help in combating bad actors, but thereā€™s HELL TON OF PEOPLE who just WONT trust Roblox their Real-life data. Iā€™m one of them. Update itself W until this massive over-L

I think a lot of people will vote that this restriction is unneeded and needs to be removed. Improve moderation instead of making such restrictions.

Should ID verification requirement be removed from this?
  • Yes, Iā€™m ID verified and think so.
  • Yes, Iā€™m not ID verified and think so.
  • No, Iā€™m ID verified and think so.
  • No, Iā€™m not ID verified and think so.

0 voters


If you guys think that such ā€œprotectionsā€ will work, then you are forgetting capablities of Roblox engine and developers. Letā€™s take some examples where people did really hard things without this features:

  1. Basically same EditableImage but worse performance. What stops people from using it in a inapopriate way? Like drawing p*** images? (You understood)
  1. Skinned mesh ocean. Now letā€™s imagine scenario where bad actor publish just sphere with every vertex having a bone. Then in game he moves them to form inapopriate thing. You got bad use of EditableMesh without itself.
  1. Mesh slicing. Because meshes are made out of triangles, we can make ANY form we want. And we can generate inapopriate things even out of wedges. FURTHERMORE, we can even CHANGE THEIR COLORS to make inapopriate things even inapopriaterer!!!

I hope staff will read this and understand, that all this security measurements are just

Useless, and only thing you are doing is restricting good features from people, and ruining people's games. Bad actors will always find a way to bypass any restirctions, or just use diffirent technique.

Edit 2 3:

Revoking what I have said in Edit 2. We got at least 1 reply from staff about this, but itā€™s not guaranteed that this restrictions will be lifted in any time.

Edit 4:

Looks like poll broke.
If it wonā€™t fix itself, then results were:

Yes, Iā€™m ID verified and think so. - 25%
Yes, Iā€™m not ID verified and think so. - 60%
No, Iā€™m ID verified and think so. - 15%
No, Iā€™m not ID verified and think so. - NONE

Total voter count were 72 people including myself.


Why does the group owner need to be ID verified? I work on games for a group where itā€™s owner isnā€™t a developer and also isnā€™t ID verified and probably wonā€™t be any time soon. I get secrets being locked to the group owner but image and mesh APIs? I donā€™t really like that.