Client Debugging: AMA!

This sounds good, thanks for the update!

Why can’t the announcements category just redirect to your posts?


Oh sweet flavored text. How I’ve missed you so.

Also very happy to have debugging back for client issues


Is this enabled now? I was not able to break a LocalScript in APS added to StarterPlayer/StarterPlayerScripts with the default source, print(“Hello world”).

Edit: Nevermind, I was not aware the default setting for the debugger was set to Server and needed to restart studio as you mentioned. Disregard me.

Leaving this here for emphasis that the debugger is only attached to Server by default

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wish more announcements were like this, anyways thanks for the update!

Someone needs to test out that chicken recipe; I would but I’d freeze to death in the polar vortex driving to the grocery store. :chicken:

10/10 AMA

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If the debugger is being worked on right now, can Let plugins access DebuggerManager be looked at or have some status given to it?


This AMA was humorous and informative. Thank you!


Glad to see progress is being made on the debugger.

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Thank you!!! :heart: I wasted so much time printing stuff to output & serializing data to inspect it in order to deal with a lack of a client-side debugger

Great update! This solves one of the biggest annoyances with APS

375gigs of olive oil? Something sounds fishy here, that’s way too much!

Great update and awesome flavor text as well. =)


Oh my God, I entered the DevForum to see how I could debug client scripts and was about to make a topic about it… Turns out it didn’t exist!

Thanks for the update!

Being a software dev outside of roblox, I use debuggers and unit testing paradigms constantly, and Im glad more focus has been put on improving these tools.

Currently my gripe really is just how laggy the debugger becomes if my game’s engine is slightly complex. I remember having the debugger freeze my playtest for about 30 seconds trying to reach a simple print statement breakpoint.

Thanks again for trying to improve this feature, and hopefully unit testing is also coming soon!

You can make client debugging recipes

and chicken recipes?

Man, you are too great!! :pray:


Make flavoured text a mandatory part of all announcements

  • Yes
  • Yes but on a different line

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This is great. I always wondered why I couldn’t debug client scripts. Must have missed the memo :smile:

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I will definitely try the chicken recipe :yum:, but first thanks for this update , you made our lives easier!


Thank you! This is a huge step forward for studio. I’m one of those last few stragglers who has yet to switch over to APS because of breakpoints. If client+server breakpoints were available in a single studio session, I would move over immediately

But wait, its not over yet! You didn’t answer my question!!1!

Why is the enum for Studio.Attach Debugger To named DEPRECATED_DebuggerDataModelPreference thonk??

If an Enum is supposed to be deprecated, you can mark it as such in ReflectionMetadata.xml, but I’m not sure why it’d be deprecated in the first place?


Thanks a lot for this - I use the debugger a ton, and it’s a great tool. I even filed a Feature Request about this. This will really improve my workflow.

I really hope that the crashes get fixed though, it’s hard to reproduce but the debugger crashes Studio quite often. That would also be a major improvement.

I will hold you to that chicken recipe and report back the results.

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