Client fails to load when play testing in studio

I have an issue where the server starts running when I press playtest, but the client is completely frozen. It happens in any place, baseplate, team create, and just a file. I have restarted my PC, reinstalled Studio, and tried all manner of things to resolve this. This started occurring without a restart or update of Studio. My client was loading slower and slower as I kept playtesting and got to the point where it became completely unresponsive and frozen.

This image is what it looks like. The stop button is unavailable, and none of the top buttons work. The only way to stop the playtest without closing the entire window is to click on the output of the server script. After it swaps to server view, I can press the stop button.

Waiting about 5 minutes since the start of the playtest allows some of the client scripts to run. However, the micro profiler cannot be opened, and the developer console acts as if I do not have permission to play the game. After about 10 minutes, my player spawns, and everything else seems normal except the developer console and micro profiler. This is a persistent issue across all of my games