Client features updated on public Trello

The near clip plane distance is 0.5. I’m not sure about the far clip plane, but iirc it’s 4056 or something weird like that.

we might want to move to your old thread if this discussion is worth continuing.

It’s 5k.

I tested on a map in like 2012.

I just tested and it’s ~4056. 4096 would have been a much nicer number :(

> p ="Part", workspace"); p.Size =,1,500)
> p.CFrame = workspace.Camera.CFrame *,0,-(4055 + p.Size.Z/2))

Collision filters have actually been worked on by @VolcanoINC for some time now, under review.


One last statement about near clip plane, changing it in our system would definitely cause z-buffer resolution problems especially across different platforms (mobile).

The @zeuxcg approved solution to the clipping problem is to stay “physically correct”, that is never have the case where you would need non-correct object layered rendering. For the gun-clipping-wall case, that would mean holstering the gun when facing the wall, or otherwise preventing rotation into that facing.

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How about when the gun is being aimed down sights? It clips through it :frowning:

For now, adjust your animation and object scale such that clipping doesn’t occur.


I have everything realistically set up. The camera looks out of the right eye, the scope sits properly on the gun, and the eye physically ‘looks’ through the scope. If I adjust my animation and scale the result looks even worse than the clipping itself.