I have a script that puts doors inside of Workspace if they are not a current rank. It worked fine for the past month but today now it’s not working. It is yielding the whole script for most users and allowing them into my staff areas, and not getting their rank either.
I used to get the result of the other player’s, but now I am not. This has been happening for hours and I have no idea what is causing it.
Here is the code:
warn("HEY IM ALIVE!!")
repeat wait() until game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character
if game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetRankInGroup(1016598) >= 40 then
print'destroy staff wall'
print'in cashierwall'
script.CashierWall.Parent = game.Workspace.ImportantModels
if game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetRankInGroup(1016598) < 60 then
print'chef wall in'
script.ChefWall.Parent = game.Workspace.ImportantModels
There is another script for debugging also that has the top part just printing the rank.
Hm, is this an Engine bug? It seems another game of mine is also having this issue and is breaking it also. My datastores are also having a bit of an issue. https://gyazo.com/bc3543bfe1e1379cf32dbc2ef39dfa0c
This could be due to calling the function so many times. Try storing it in a variable. Calling it multiple times will pull a lot of requests to the server.
I am having issues with two of games I develop for as well.
One game is loading up teams and making sure that users have access to the teams by checking if they’re in the group - none of them load up and no requests are being made for some reason.
In another game, I manage admin permissions per group and ranks of users in the said group. No one has admin and the admin refuses to load up. I’m using a modified version of Basic Admin Essentials 2.0 for that.
I haven’t experienced any of these two issues before, I’m not sure why this is happening right now. The only thing that I did notice was an error where I would’ve hit a ratelimit of about 3500 and 4000 requests - which I would have never been able to hit. I am not sure why that happened.
Having the same issue with Iceberg Hotels, the script should destroy the door for the localplayer if they are above a certain rank, but it’s not destroying it at all, was working when testing it last night, but not working at all now.