Client Insert Hair ID

I have a character creator for my game that allows users to input a Catalog Hair ID for use on their character.

The character creator has a client sided display that shows what your character will look like.

I’ve run across an obstacle where you cannot insert hats, hairs, or any catalog item on the client side. This makes it difficult for the display to show what hair your character will have.

I’ve found an alternative, where a client sends a RemoteEvent to the server to insert the hair ID (with checks) and then sending it back to the client for use, but I am worried that this could be abused by exploiters to cause server lag.

Does anybody have any alternatives or improvements to my current method? Thanks.

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Servers have a built-in maximum remote event data limit. In theory it’s impossible to DDOS a server via remote events. They do still occur, but it’s usually due to something that is beyond the developer’s (your) control.

TLDR; remote events won’t cause the server to crash.

That said, if you’re worried, you can impose a ratelimit. Something like “oh this guy is sending 1000 requests I’ll just ignore them from now on”.

Finally, IIRC you can’t interact with the catalogue API unless it’s from a serverscript. Your “alternative” is really the only proper solution.

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