Client Lagging (Without fps loss)

I have a game I’m working on that the client is very laggy
I want to make a loop for every second a part to unanchor, and a timer (on the client)

If I unanchor it (manually for example) it wont fall, same as if i hover over the chat, it wont pop up until a few seconds later, and the timer which is supposed to drop a second every second, instead goes down 1 every 6 seconds

I tried checking if streaming enabled was on, but it wasnt. I’ve also seen posts similar to this one, but they werent much of a help. And checked to see if it was my pc by making a baseplate, but that wasnt the case. I dont know what else could be causing the issue
Heres a video to show what i mean

The timer I showed at the end of the video does what its supposed to because its a Server Script firing to a local script
(Apparently Recording it also lags a ton)

The part must be unanchored on the server.

Thats not the issue, unanchoring a part through the client or server still should make it fall, it just floats until an instance interacts with it

This is called ‘frozen parts’ in order to avoid this it is recommended to quickly switch to anchored and back to unanchored.

Found the issue, the fps and ping counter was really demanding and lagged everything