Client locally rotates others characters when Camera is focused on their Humanoid

As the title says, when your cameras subject is set to another players humanoid and either zoom in fully or shift lock it will rotate the character


Support. I’ve been having this problem as well.

This has been an issue for years. It was around even in 2014.

Confirmed: Repro.rbxl (13.2 KB)

This does not seem to replicate to the server, other clients, or the client who owns the character, regardless of FilteringEnabled. See below:

Out of curiosity, is this a major issue for any of you @Partixel @Flowtonio @Reshiram110 since it doesn’t replicate?

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No it’s just annoying, I can certainly live with it.

It’s not really a big issue for me personally. It’s just more or less an annoying bug.

How is it annoying? Immersion-breaking or something?

Basically, in my game you can spectate other players once you die. If you go in first person or shift lock it rotates the character so you obviously cant see where the character is actually looking. It’s just not what’s expected, doesn’t break anything.

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Ah, I understand the problem now. Yes, that seems rather annoying.

I can see it breaking immersion in certain cases. It’s not really that big of a deal, it just happens to annoy myself and a few other people.

The main annoyance for it is when I get bug reports about how people can ‘control’ other players in spectate mode, when in reality it’s just local.

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