I asked him to type it all, then I’ll paste it here.
Here’s what he said:
Operating System: “Windows 8.1”
Browsers: “Internet Explorer”, “Mozilla Firefox”
Contact Me { Steam: Fulmine, ROBLOX: Camerono3, Skype: “Cameron A.D” }
I have this problem where everytime I attempt to a game on ROBLOX on any browser even the Studio browser the ROBLOX overlay only says “ROBLOX is Updating, Please Wait…” The progress bar could hit 100% and it will NOT bring up the ROBLOX Player, I’ve uninstalled ROBLOX completely (Registry, Temporary Files, AppData, Logs, Config Files, Cookies, and Shortcuts). I check the Task Manager and I find the RobloxPlayerLauncher opening and closing in the Background Processes. I also attempted to do Studio server port teleportation method, but I didn’t teleport anywhere. Also when I attempt to install ROBLOX the installer never appears but I developed a method to get it open by using Troubleshooting Compatability and spamming the Test button until the ROBLOX Installer appears. I even changed the network settings in Studio and nothing happens. Just so you know: This problem started on 5 June, 2014 also Game Booster isn’t the causing this. I’m not planning on quitting any time soon because I have a lot of big projects I have for ROBLOX.
Screenshots: http://puu.sh/a8s5X/fb28a62ea0.jpg
Thanks to my friends: DoogleFox, for telling me to try teleporting using the Command Bar. Kert109, for sending this message