Client-Owned anchored objects [Cannons]

Hello, i have a question on network ownership regarding Anchored objects.

I would like to create a cannon, which is owned by the client when being used and the server when not being used.
This is to provide a smooth and lag-free experience when operating the cannons.
I’ve seen this done on multiple other games and i wonder how they do it with the network ownership restriction.

The cannon should be anchored and in a steady place of course but from my own knowledge i know that network ownership cannot be called on anchored parts.

When i try think of a solution i can only think of really janky and weird physics work arounds with unanchored cannons which are physically restrained by body movers.

Any support on this topic is much appreciated.

[This is what the cannon looks like, as you can see it is in place]

It’s done via manual replication of parts with scripts. Client sends data, server updates.
Be carefull with that though, cuz cheaters…


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