Client phrase parts

Is there a way to make something happen to parts (i.e. dissappear) when something is said, but only on the client that works on TextChatService? I have a module script that works on LegacyChatService, but breaks when switching to TextChatService. So, is there a way, likely as a LocalScript, to make the event stated above happen? I’m not that experienced in scripting.

I’m pretty sure you can use a .Chatted event for this

local Players = game:GetService("Players")
      if msg == "any msg you want" then
         --do stuff

It doesn’t work, the phrase is meant to be an emote.

Did a quick search on the topic and found this:

Hope this helps!

The emote message the part should react to is not animated, so is there a way to make a part react to a non-animated emote (i.e. /e ice)?

I am still waiting for a solution as how to make non-animated emotes/commands that start with /e to make a part do something only in the client.