Client - ReplicatedStorage issue?

In my game, Client Scripts cannot access ReplicatedStorage. Even default Roblox scripts.


But the same issue didn’t happen in another project. I don’t know why did that happen in only one project. Is that a bug? or is there some virus in my project? Can you explain? Because it will ruin my project I had to move everything to another project.

Thanks for reading.

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Search for scripts in explorer (Filter workspace). Do this with the game not running. This will allow you to find all the scripts in the game and check for viruses.

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If you have taken any models from other people check through every descendant.
other than that check through your scripts to make sure the script is able to retrieve the replicated storage and the targeted objects.

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I didn’t find anything odd in explorer.

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maybe create a local script and a server script. The server script should wait a few seconds, then insert something in replicated storage. The local script will then check the contents at the start, then a bit later after the server script has inserted. This will see if something is clearing replicated storage when the game runs.

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you can simply use game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild(“Name”) to wait for the object to be added.

if you do this and then add a print after it will let you know if it found the object or not.

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I already did but it never adds anything.

Maybe it’s a glitch or bug or anything else. Because a lot of people posted about this yesterday. But I’m scared because it can happen again and ruin everything.