Client-Server Anti-Cheat System with Custom Encryption

Hey everyone!

Demo place launched:

Demo Place

Keep in mind, this is only a handshake demonstration, and none of the anti-cheat detection features are currently active. Your objective is to either disconnect or bypass the anti-cheat without triggering a server kick, send a false positive to the server, or replicate the handshake process to delete the anti-cheat from the client. Client-side anti-cheat logs can be accessed by pressing F9.

I’ve recently come up with a new idea for an anti-cheat system that combines client-side and server-side measures. Now, I know what you’re probably thinking: “Client-side?! That’s risky!” But hear me out this isn’t your typical client-side anti-cheat. I’ve put a lot of thought into this and developed a custom encryption system that makes it much harder to exploit.

How It Works

Here’s a quick breakdown:

1. Encrypted Communication:

    • The client sends data to the server via Remote Events, but every message is encrypted with custom encryption.
    • The server decrypts and verifies these messages, and any instructions sent back are also encrypted.

2. Integrity Verification:

    • To prevent exploiters from tampering with the Remote Event (like deleting or manipulating it), the server sends an encrypted “ping” every 2 seconds.
    • This ping contains custom instructions that the client must encrypt and send back, proving that the client-side anti-cheat is active and responding.
    • If the server doesn’t receive a valid response with the correct encrypted instructions, it will terminate the player’s session. This ensures that even if an exploiter deletes the client-side anti-cheat script, the server will detect the lack of response and take action.

3. Client-Side Monitoring:

    • By operating partially on the client, the anti-cheat can monitor several aspects in real-time (e.g., movement speed, tool usage, etc.).
    • When suspicious behavior is detected, the client sends an encrypted message to the server for verification and possible action.

4. Obfuscation:

    • To protect against reverse engineering, the client-side script is obfuscated, making it significantly harder for exploiters to view or replicate the encryption logic.

Why This is Different

This approach ensures that, even if the client-side script is accessed, it’s not straightforward to break. The constant ping-and-response system means the server is actively checking for a live anti-cheat presence, which is challenging to bypass without deep knowledge of the custom encryption and obfuscation.

Open to Feedback

I’m really excited about this idea and would love to hear your thoughts! Are there any potential bypasses or weaknesses I may have overlooked? I’m looking forward to any suggestions or feedback, as I’m eager to improve this system.

Thanks, everyone!


Really nobody?? gonna comment AAAAAAAAAA


This seems like a very solid attempt of making an anticheat. However, I’m concerned about the naming of the Remote Functions. Are they encrypted so that the exploiter can’t write they’re own code that fires the Remote Functions?

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Hmmm i’d like to try and bypass it since it seems like a good anticheat.


The remote functions do not need to be protected as all the information being passed to the server has to be encrypted by the custom encryption so all the information being passed to the server is encrypted. therefor the remote functions do not need to be protected.

I’m already working on version one of it.

Encryption is great. Using complex algorithms that are very difficult to replicate are also great. If you are really just sending information to the server in a couple big sweeps with encrypted data… that will not work and will be easily bypassed. You will need vast quantitative data with large amounts of remote events and other instances being spawned and deleted to prevent the client from understanding how your anti cheat works. Otherwise it is fair game. Remember… anything a legitimate player can do, an exploiter can also do and then take that information and do it in a way that benefits them more than any legitimate player.

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Its not bypassable because the server pings the client every 2 seconds and if the client doesnt respond with a message encrypted with custom encryption that follows the prompt that the server sent then the player gets kicked


That wouldnt matter as they couldnt for example in 2 seconds idk destroy the entire map for the entire server and if they could do that then my game would have severe vulnerabilities that would need to be fixed. also as i stated before the anti-cheat cannot be bypassed as when it stops responding with an encrypted message to the servers encrypted ping requests the player will be kicked


Never claim that something cannot be bypassed because it can, this is not the first time someone has released a system like this.


Ok, here is my opinion since you asked for it.

  1. I think making a client sided script is a bad idea. Players can modify anything on their PC. I think the ping fix that (hopefully). An approach I’d do is that once a player joins, I’ll immediately attach a part thanks to a script, since players can’t modify anything other than their own data, they won’t be able to tamper the part. I’d be able to check everything (speed exploit = higher part velocity, fly exploit / super jump exploit = part in the air on an extended period of time, etc…)

  2. How does the remote encryption works ?
    I’m scared that they won’t need to find the encryption to exploit. They’ll try every remotes that they find until they find the correct one. For example I don’t need to find the encryption to give myself infinite money, I just open a Remote Spy, gain some money, the remote spy tells me that the remote and data is lekhh0:FireServer(OOIeuhh), I make a script out of this giving me infinite money.

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The ‘CanSecurity’ remote event doesn’t need to be hidden because the server only responds to messages encrypted with custom encryption, so any attempt by an exploiter to send information through it will fail if it’s not properly encrypted. I referred to it as ‘unbypassable’ to emphasize that direct bypass attempts won’t work. I’m also not concerned about modification attempts since the client-sided anti-cheat will be obfuscated, and if a player doesn’t respond to the ping (encrypted with the custom encryption) in time, they’ll be kicked.

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Yes but won’t the remote spy automatically detect and show the encrypted version of the data sent to the server sided script, thus making it uneffective ?

Also I suggested the idea of attaching part because then you won’t have to send a ping everytime, since it’s server sided.

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This is the entire reason of it being encrypted lol it doesnt matter if they view the encrypted messages because it isnt unencrypted

I don’t understand.
You want to send data to the server.
The data must be encrypted by the client.
Then the script will decipher it.
Then the remote will execute.

Now if I have the encrypted version of the data and I send it to the script, won’t that execute the remote ?

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Custom encryption? I would use a known solid ciphering algorithm if I were you. If you want something lightweight, XOR encryption should be enough. However if you wait a little bit, @daily3014TheGod and @XoifailTheGod will release an AES 256 ECB algorithm in pure Luau, using buffer and other Luau-only features.

Additionally, if you want to obfuscate your script, make sure you use a good Luau obfuscator such as Luraph, or if you have good knowledge about the Luau virtual machine, and have time on your hands, try to write one yourself.

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The server periodically sends a “ping” request to the client, which includes an encrypted, randomly generated 92-digit code and instructions for the client to return this exact code within a specified timeframe. Upon receiving the request, the client verifies that the request is encrypted, then decrypts it to retrieve the code. The client then re-encrypts the code and sends it back to the server. This system ensures that exploiters can’t simply mimic or replay responses, as each ping request uses a unique code that must be accurately returned in its encrypted form. This prevents exploiters from intercepting and responding to the ping requests without proper decryption, adding a layer of security to the interaction.

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I’ll think about adding it later but remember this is just the basic version.

I’m not talking about the ping here. I’m talking about the encryption of the data sent to execute the remote.

The only way I could think here is that if you somehow managed to change encryptions everytime. Other than that, can’t I just send an encrypted version data to the script and make the remote execute ?

(also how is the local script supposed to know what code to send to the script, the only way i could think is u sending a ping with the data in it, but that can be intercepted)

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Many people will not catch what is really important to us here after reading this. I haven’t lost sight of what really matters here because my way of thinking is gifted in certain ways. What exactly does your anti cheat system do? You don’t have to tell us but I will put this message here and the reason being is because I strongly suspect you are vulnerable to your actual anti cheat itself being bypassed due to how client and server works. The way your anti cheat works is fine and even the basic version of how it is enabled is good but yeah I don’t think you are as safe as you think you are and without identifying what cheats you are blocking there really is still so much on the table for the exploiters. It is just as I said I will quote what I said.