EDIT Managed to fix the bug on my game by reverting to legacy Roblox body movers, But I still believe that this issue still persists with the new body movers.
Recently today I started getting bug reports on Shipping Lanes game, where players could not move their ships. Upon investigating I found that the client-server replication has not been working at all?
This only started happening today and my game had not received an update in about a week, and prior to today my game was working without issue.
The ship is networked owner to the client, but controls turning/throttle is controlled on a server script. Before today this was working fine but only started to give me issues today.
And if I set the network owner to the server, then the ship freezes on the client when they try to turn/move the ship and moves around on the server.
On my other smaller game, Shipping empire the issue is not as bad but I have noticed that other players movement has been very janky/stuttering, freezing every 1-2 seconds before moving position.
Can you provide a simplified place or model that exhibits the problem? We have had a number of recent improvements and bug fixes for the body mover constraints so I have several specific things I can look into if you can provide a representative model. Thanks.
This issue should not be affecting anybody at this time so we can mark this issue as closed. We will use this place to improve our replication logic so that it won’t reappear as we fix bugs and make improvements relating to our constraint system. Thanks.