So in my game, I want a small music to be played just before the player leave and also put his client in a strange state so he can still listen to the music until he join another game, maybe with a while true.
I tried with game.ChildRemoved, game.Players.PlayerRemoving, and game.Close to know if the client is leaving, all of them are working in Studio, but not in the normal Roblox client…
-- Musique haha.
script.MusiqueHaha.Playing = true
local t = tick() + script.MusiqueHaha.TimeLength
while tick() < t do end
I need to know how to correctly detect when the client is leaving, how to make the client in the strange state described above, and if this is possible…
When the game is closed, it’s closed, you can’t force a player to remain in your game if they end the task, it just doesn’t work like that. You could have them press on a fake X that does all that, but it won’t be the effect you’re looking for.
If I do it server-side, the client would have enough time to disconnect from the server, and I don’t want the other players on the server to listen to it while they are in the game.
You can try with some admin scripts, they have a crash command, having the ability to crash a player (making them disconnect from the server and keep a local copy of the place, with the audio in it). This is also happening when the player get kicked from the server without any error message…
Your idea of a fake leave button was looking good but the players would think it’s an in-game feature instead of a leave game button.
He wants to make a sound play after the user left. I have seen this in some horror games and it will continue to play the sound for a while after the game shutdown. Ive tried to lag myself to see if thats what it does but it only plays for a few seconds.
Ok, I tried, it’s still working in Studio but not in the Roblox client.
-- Musique haha.
local haha = script.MusiqueHaha
haha.Playing = true
local t = tick() + haha.TimeLength
while tick() < t do end
haha.Parent = workspace