So I’m working on a fighting game with my friend and want to reload the character with tools in their inventory which works fine so they can attack and do whatever. But the local script to handle the effects for the attacks isn’t working with fireallclients unless I have the tool in starterpack first. I’ve searched up a multitude of things such as changing where the tools are kept from like repstorage to serverstorage and it’s all the same in the end. As well as disabling and reenabling the scripts afterwords so I’m really at a loss here.
Any feedback is appreciated!
Selection Server Script
local choose = script.Parent.Choose
choose.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, character, choice)
local morph = game.ReplicatedStorage.Morphs[choice]:Clone()
morph.Name = "StarterCharacter"
morph.Parent = game.StarterPlayer
Debris:AddItem(morph, 1)
local skills = game.ServerStorage.Skills[choice].Base
for _, obj in pairs(skills:GetChildren()) do
obj.Parent = player.StarterGear