Client-to-Server animation replication not working properly

So I’ve been trying to make a smooth animation transition, as when they player equips their sword their animations change. I’m doing this by changing the AnimationId of the animations in the animate script, then running a “fake” animation of the animation that would be playing in the new set, until a new animation is played. Then the “fake” animation get deleted and the track stops playing. The only problem is that it works initially… and but after a new track is played and the “fake” animation is deleted, the animation played using the animate script just… breaks.
Gyazo video for explanation, first two shots display it working on the client and the server, then I move and it works on the client, but not the server.

A few things to note:

  • This is all done locally
  • I stop ALL animation tracks before playing the “fake” animation track
  • Script checks if the new animation being played is the same as the “fake” animation
  • The animation is in R6
  • The animation has 7 parts, the sword I mentioned earlier being the seventh

Heres the script if you need it /

if V == "E" then
		AnimScript.idle.Animation1.AnimationId = ""	
	elseif V == "S" then
		AnimScript.idle.Animation1.AnimationId = ""
	local state
	for _, animationTrack in Character.Humanoid.Animator:GetPlayingAnimationTracks() do
		state = animationTrack.Name
	if state == "Animation1" then
		local newAnim ="Animation")
		newAnim.AnimationId = AnimScript.idle.Animation1.AnimationId
		local newTrack = Character.Humanoid:LoadAnimation(newAnim)
			if animation ~= newAnim then

Any help would be appreciated.

I got exactly the same problem and i tried to fix that with someone on the forum. But unfortunally since then I couldn’t solved this problem. If you find a solution can you give me an explanation, I will give you one if I find one on my side.