ClipDescendants with UICorners

Hello Developers!

Some of you may know, however, it is possible to imitate ClipDescendants with a UICorner.

By creating a new CanvasGroup inside of a ScreenGui you are able to use it to clip the corners of its descendants.


After creating a new CanvasGroup, you can add a UICorner to the CanvasGroup and adjust it to your liking.


Now that we have a UICorner in place, you can add whatever you want!

In this example, I will insert a Frame, ImageLabel, and TextButton into the CanvasGroup.


The top-left is the Frame, the middle-left is the ImageLabel, and the bottom-right is the TextButton.

I hope this helps anyone confused about UICorners with ClipDescendants.

FYI: This can be done with complete transparency. The blue background is only for showcase purposes.


Are CanvasGroups out of beta? Can they be used in games? Last time I checked they weren’t out yet but if they are this is awesome.


I am almost certain that they can be used. I will look at that right now. Thanks for letting me know about that!


Here is the link to the documentation if you want to read up on it:

From what I have read, they seem to be to a point where they can be used in-game.


Woah! This seems useful for making so weird lookin health bars or something like that.

I think I’m gonna save this and use this as a reference in the future. Thanks for sharing this!


Thank you so much for showing us this! Didn’t even know this was pssible until now…

The only annoying thing about this is that there aren’t as much properties as other frames, and when trying to add a UI element inside of it (this isn’t for the UI tab at the top of studio), the UI elements don’t show up first when I click the + button.


That is odd. It is still in a working state I believe, however, I am almost certain it is out of Beta. Glad this helped!

How did you apply ClipDescendants on a canvasgroup?

“CanvasGroup always has GuiObject.ClipsDescendants set to true and all descendants will render within CanvasGroup’s viewport.”

This is directly quoted from the CanvasGroup documentation.

It’s because i tried this and it wasn’t working for me

Can I ask what exactly it is that you are trying to do and what isn’t working?

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CanvasGroup with UICorners was not affected by ClipDescendants

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I’ve tried it as well and it seems like it doesn’t work anymore:

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I am not entirely sure why it isn’t working. It still works for me:


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My appologies… In the previous post I realize it didn’t really prove your issue.

Here I have tried it again:


It does still appear to be working. I am unsure why it isn’t working for you, however, I have a couple of ideas:

  1. Certain CanvasGroup features may still be in Beta, which may be causing issues if you don’t have Beta Features enabled. (Unlikely, but possible)

  2. The ScreenGui’s ZIndexBehavior property is set to “Global”. In order for the corners to clip, you must use the “Sibling” behavior:

I hope this helps!