ClipPhone by Clippsly - The Ultimate Roblox Phone Experience

Hello Roblox developers!

The ClipPhone by Clippsly is an innovative UI-based phone designed specifically for Roblox users. Built on the foundation of ClipDock v0.7 and utilizing ClipMessage Mobile based on ClipMessage v1.0, this phone offers a seamless and immersive communication and task management experience within the Roblox platform.

Usage: Integrating the ClipPhone into your Roblox game is a breeze. Simply add the provided scripts to your project and customize the UI to suit your preferences. The mobile dock script brings life to the dock buttons with captivating click animations, while the button scripts enable smooth app transitions and functionality. The cMessage mobile script allows players to effortlessly send and receive messages, enhancing communication between users.

Features: The ClipPhone boasts a simple and intuitive user interface, facilitating effortless task creation and management. With color-coded task categories, organizing your tasks becomes a breeze. The click-to-close feature allows for quick task completion, streamlining the user experience and saving valuable time.

Installation: To install the ClipPhone, follow these easy steps:

  1. Download the scripts from the designated repository.
  2. Launch Roblox Studio and open your desired game project.
  3. In the Explorer window, right-click on the Workspace and select “Insert from File…”
  4. Locate the downloaded scripts and select them.
  5. Customize the UI according to your preferences.

Credits: The ClipPhone is the brainchild of Clippsly Ltd., a team dedicated to delivering exceptional user experiences on the Roblox platform.

ClipPhone v0.4: The latest version of the ClipPhone introduces exciting new features and enhancements:

  1. Dynamic Continent: Experience the thrill of dynamic notifications, allowing new messages to pop up seamlessly. The Beta Clippify App integrates with the Dynamic Continent, showcasing the latest player tracks and enabling pausing functionality.

  2. ClipDock Icons: The ClipPhone now utilizes ClipIcons, offering a fresh and visually appealing aesthetic. macOS icons have been removed, creating a more cohesive design.

  3. Expanded App Library: Enjoy the addition of five new apps, expanding the capabilities of your ClipPhone. Notable additions include “Tweaks,” which allows you to test the latest ClipPhone features, and “Clippify App,” a dedicated music player.

  4. Customization Options: Tailor your ClipPhone experience further by enabling or disabling the Dynamic Continent according to your preferences. Fullscreen mode is now available, offering a more immersive interface. Additionally, users can change notification sounds via the Phone app, adding a personal touch to their phone experience.

Tool: Here
GUI: Here

Happy developing!

~ SG at Clippsly