ClipPhone Updates (Current: ClipPhone v1.0 - Squirrel)

I got access to posts week ago. But I’ve been on Dev Forum before just reading and looking for good posts that could help me.



working on customized versions of ClipPhone’s, which will be included in the next Update (v0.6).

The ClipPhone’s which will be released are:

  1. Base clipOS (iOS)

  2. WinfinityUI (Windows Phone) WinfinityLogo

  3. CLUI (Android OneUI) CLUI_Logo

This is presentation of the new UI’s:

Still working on them but I think they should be ready in couple of days! The 2 of new base UI’s will increase posibilities when it comes to customization.

~ SG


Who was involved in making this? You mentioned in a recent reply about not knowing much about scripting in the game, although a project like this would need more knowledge than what you claim to have about scripting. Is it only you that developed this? is there a team? Just curious.

Overall, this is an excellent resource for the community. Thank you for all of the hard work that was put into this, it looks and feels fantastic.

Some questions for you:

  • What does the future of this look like? Will there be other applications/features that allow more freedom for the developer?
  • For developers making their own apps, as I have just tried, there is little to no inclusivity for creation. It is very difficult to blend a new app into the default apps. I would recommend at least some sort of module that would allow developers to grab and call different events and/or functions that would be more “globalized”. Are there any plans to update this portion of the code?

I personally can’t wait for the different UI designs. I am unsure of how you will implement this (it looks like you already have somehow) with the current setup.

Keep working on this, please! It is a great asset for the community and will definitely be used!

Fittergem1000 || CStudio - Team lead


Hi Jack,

I’m the only one involved in the project ClipPhone, I’ll reply to your questions:

You mentioned in a recent reply about not knowing much about scripting in the game
I have medium lua knowledge and I’ve worked before with some little studios and I’ve learned much from it haha.

What does the future of this look like? Will there be other applications/features that allow more freedom for the developer?
The whole project is about customizability on the developer’s side, the applications I’m providing you could compare to something called “stock apps” on e.g. AOSP, just default premade apps which you can edit or even make your own. In the future with the update v0.6 there will be 2 more models including WinfinityUI and CLUI which will expand posibilities with ClipPhone’s customization. Also with update v0.6 there will be new way to use the “Dynamic Continent” with new square notifications, also we are replacing the only notification system with the remotes so it will be easier to use it.

For developers making their own apps, as I have just tried, there is little to no inclusivity for creation. It is very difficult to blend a new app into the default apps. I would recommend at least some sort of module that would allow developers to grab and call different events and/or functions that would be more “globalized”. Are there any plans to update this portion of the code?
With next update I’ll include the blank app which will be fully customazible and with new notification system it will be way easier to use it, as I’m doing the project by myself It’s really hard to even think of that, but in general making the ClipPhone apps should be very easy, it really requires little knowledge in lua and UI to build one. Here you can see the preview of new notification system:

Update soon!

Thanks for the questions,
~ SG


Nice project but could you post it as a model in toolbox?

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Hello Roblox developers!

We are thrilled to announce the release of ClipPhone v0.6, an update that brings a range of exciting features and improvements to enhance your Roblox phone experience. Let’s dive into the details of what’s changed:

New Notification System : We are proud to introduce a revamped notification system in ClipPhone v0.6. Sending notifications across all ClipPhone models has never been easier. Utilize the provided RemoteEvent to send notifications using customizable templates. Here’s an example code snippet to get you started:

local RS = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local remoteEvent = RS.Island.NotificationNormal 
--You can use different type of notifications made for your UI e.g. WinNotif.Notification or CLUINotif.Notification

		local notificationText = "Hello World!" -- Replace with the desired notification text
		local notificationImage = "rbxassetid://123456789" -- Replace with the desired notification icon

		-- Trigger the remote event with the notification information
		remoteEvent:FireServer(notificationText, notificationImage)

The notifications on all ClipPhone UI’s are fully customazible, that means you can edit how the notification is being displayed and how will it react to the remote.

Introducing New UIs: WinfinityUI and CLUI: ClipPhone v0.6 introduces two new UI options, offering enhanced customization possibilities.

WinfinityUI: Experience a Windows Phone-inspired UI with the new WinfinityUI. Designed with simplicity and elegance in mind, this UI brings a fresh look to the ClipPhone. Take advantage of its exclusive features, including a splash screen that displays your app’s icon upon opening, and easily customizable app icons.


CLUI : Immerse yourself in Samsung’s OneUI-inspired CLUI, another new addition to ClipPhone. Featuring a minimalistic design and improved functionality, the CLUI includes the convenience of Quick Settings, allowing you to access frequently used tools with ease.

CLUI is a minimal change for the ClipPhone which shows how much you can change by simply editing some base parts of the ClipPhone.

Updates to Base ClipPhone (clipOS) : The base ClipPhone model has also received some exciting enhancements in v0.6:

New Square Notification : Enjoy the versatility of the Square Notification feature, which allows you to incorporate different types of notifications into your app. Customize the appearance and behavior of these notifications to provide a unique user experience.

Creating a ClipPhone App: We’ve also provided a step-by-step guide on creating your own ClipPhone app to help you get started:

  1. Designing the UI: Start by designing the user interface (UI) for your ClipPhone app within Roblox Studio. Create a blank frame that serves as the foundation for your app, ensuring it has the required dimensions and elements.
  2. Adding the App to the AppManager: Create an AppManager frame or use an existing one within Roblox Studio. Place your blank app frame inside the AppManager frame to include it as one of the apps in the ClipPhone UI.
  3. Creating the WallButton: Design a wallbutton within Roblox Studio, located in the Wallpaper > Apps section. This wallbutton will visually represent your ClipPhone app within the UI.
  4. WallButton Functionality: Duplicate the local script from the “WallButtonsFunctionality” folder and customize it to fit your app’s requirements. This script provides the necessary functionality for wallbuttons in the ClipPhone UI.
  5. Linking the App and WallButton: Associate the wallbutton with your ClipPhone app to enable launching when players click on it in the UI. This linkage ensures a seamless user experience.
  6. Testing and Refinement: Thoroughly test your ClipPhone app within Roblox Studio, ensuring that both the wallbutton and app functionality meet your expectations. Make any necessary adjustments or refinements based on your testing results.

Upgrade to ClipPhone v0.6 now to explore the new UI options, enjoy the enhanced notification system, and create your own ClipPhone apps with ease. We can’t wait to see the incredible creations you come up with!

As always, we value your feedback and suggestions. Share your thoughts in the comments below and let us know how ClipPhone v0.6 is enhancing your Roblox development journey.

Downloads :
Direct Download: Here
Roblox Toolbox: Here

Happy developing!
~ SG


Hi Paulo,

Just did :smiley:

~ SG

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Thanks for the clarification. I was under the impression that you had minimal knowledge with Lua. Again, just curious.

With the update, I am extremely impressed. This is outstanding work and something that I would love to share and use.

Again, please keep working on this! It is a great asset and something that would be incredibly useful to the public.

–Fittergem1000 || CStudio - Team lead


Hi !
Your projects looks interesting @CryBlanka and @Fittergem1000 (I see that you too were creating this type of things).
I have one idea that could help you, I think that you could make an app maker as a plugin.
And the idea is that when you click on “Create an app”, it will open you a form with like the name of the app, the color of the app, the id of the icon, etc … and it will create an event that will say when the apps it’s open and only that, the rest would be handle by you.
So it’s my idea !
I hope it was helpful and have a nice day and keep up the good work !!!


Love the idea. I will attempt to add this. (Never made a plugin before lol)


Good luck then ! This text will be blurred


Can you add it to github? =)

Hi Paulo,

It’s already on GitHub GitHub - clippsly/ClipPhone: iPhone in Roblox

~ SG


Suggestion: update the dockbbuttonsfunctionality in githusoit use tweennservice and not :TweenSizeAndPosition() and make cMessagescripts to .lua

Adding on, use spring animations

(before i get murdered alive a reminder not all springs are bouncy)

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suggestion make the code updated (ex wait ----> task.wait)
and use arguments in remote events ={


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it may be of use to create an issue (and a pr if ur feeling generous) in their github for organizational purposes:

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Hi Paulo,

as i said before, I don’t have that much experience in lua and I have no idea what arguments are you talking about and what would be the difference between wait and task.wait.

~ SG

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U using wait() not task.wait() or even better tween.Finished:Wait()

You not creating variables like tweenservice and consuming extra memory
You using outdated methods instead of tweenservice
About the remotes you could just create a remote and add a argument like big, square etc
Also i can help but please give credits :sweat_smile:

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