Hey builders!
I’m working on this “curved” so light pole and I wanna make it smooth as possible although I’m running through a huge wall with this. I’ve completed the build but I was wondering if there was a way to get rid of this annoying clipping
so it looks more smooth
there are dirty workarounds with a sphere being placed exactly at the intersection of the two cylinders so there is a turn with no visible edges, but please don’t do this.
the best method is to make the pipe in blender. you’ll need to make two pipes, one for the inner neon, and one for the outer glass.
If you dont have access or know how to do in in an external 3d program like blender, you could try unioning all the segments together.
I’d suggest that you first use the Ropeater plugin by Stravant to make the pipe, and then union them all together.
this method leaves a visible edge at every convex side where two cylindes are turned. If the pipes are not visible close up by players, this is unnoticable and this method should be used, otherwise i highly suggest using blender. this will give the best results with no visual drawbacks.
So, to sum up this whole topic, if possible, you should use Blender to make the pipe, but, if for some reason you can’t use Blender, the next best option is to use Ropeater and union the parts.
Learning to use Blender is the best option. It’ll allow you to create a performant and efficient solution.
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To do this using unions, place a part which covers the top half of the pipe, duplicate the pipe (when made with parts) and use it to negate the part to have a half-pipe cutout. Then use ctrl+L and move the part over the overlap, do this for all the overlaps, then negate all the parts and union them to the pipe. This will cut off the overlaps and smooth the pipe.