Clippsly: Distribute Your Free Public Music to Roblox!

Hello Roblox developers!

We are excited to announce that Clippsly is now offering a vast library of fully licensed and free music that you can incorporate into your games! As a developer, you have the incredible opportunity to enhance your creations with high-quality tracks from our extensive collection. Players can now enjoy our music while immersing themselves in your games.

Make sure to join our Roblox group!

Clippsly’s efforts to make our music globally available have enabled developers from all corners of the world to access our diverse range of tracks. From captivating melodies to energizing beats, our collection is designed to inspire and elevate your game development experience.

All of the tracks are available here!

These tracks cover a wide spectrum of genres, ensuring there’s something for every game style and atmosphere you wish to create. Whether you’re developing an action-packed adventure, a relaxing simulation, or an intense multiplayer experience, Clippsly’s music will amplify the emotions and engagement within your games. (1)

To use our music in your projects, simply integrate the provided IDs into your Roblox Studio. Your players can then enjoy these incredible tracks while exploring your games, further immersing themselves in the rich virtual worlds you’ve crafted.

Clippsly is excited to offer our music to the Roblox community at no charge. It is our way of contributing to the thriving ecosystem of creativity and imagination within the platform. We hope our collection inspires developers and elevates their game development journey to new heights.

Thank you for your continued support, and we can’t wait to see the amazing experiences you create with our music on Roblox!

Happy developing!
Clippsly Team


Hey! I thought about something, how about you create a plugin for like the music library you’re talking about with like a music preview and such? That would be awesome!

You can also split it into categories (Sound Effects / Music) and subcategories depending on the genre!

Either way, thanks for the time in giving us the ability to get a wider variety of music! :slight_smile:


Hi Aki,

I have no experience in creating plugins, if I could make plugin like this that would be awesome but unfortunately i have only bare munimum lua experience which include tweenservices and creating buttons.

But anyways thank’s for the feedback!

~ SG


I’ve tried to make the plugin that you’ve gave me idea about. I could not get the music preview function to work but the plugin works just like butter (maybe not).

If you want to try

~ SG


I’d say it’s a great start!

I have a few suggestions UI-wise which I listed below.
As for the music preview, I mean I could try to help (though I’m not the best in scripting) though that’s up to you! :slight_smile:

I’m invested in this project!

The UI Colours (in this case, the beige) could be a colour accented from the album cover that has been set manually by an attribute or something like that.

I suggest making 2 separate sections, one for Sound Effects and the other for music. A button to get out of the plugin is also lovely (the red button)

This is a full view of a song, kind of like Spotify.
You could maybe offer more details about the song on this page!

I hope my concept arts were inspiring! :slight_smile:


Hi Aki,

Thank you for those wonderfull ideas! I’ve actually tried to recreate the first idea you’ve made, and it actually looks a lot better!

I’ve really love this new redesign, if you wanna help me add me on the dcs SG Is Here#5578. I’m always open to any ideas that can help the community and give assets to people in need for these after previous Roblox audio update.

That’s the whole purpose of my partnership with Roblox to give the community the very needed assets which I think I’ve brought some.

Thank you so much,
~ SG



Totally! I’d love to help! I just might be slow because I’m working on another project haha.

You’re more then welcome! :slight_smile:


Hey, I would love to add these soundtracks to my audio discovery plugin RoSound. If you’re interested, please let me know in the replies.


Hi bits,

These ID’s are free to use in every way imaginable, if you want to use them then go for it. The ID’s are global ID’s which means they are available for everyone and are not limited.

The message you’re reffering to is the prototype of Plugin that we are planning of making, and it does not prohibit you from using it in any way. It is just our way to keep Clippsly’s stuff together, and you are allowed to use any ID’s included in our website.

If you have any questions regarding our audio assets please just let me know!

~ SG


Your website is very misleading with the information it provides; specifically stating affiliation with Roblox and “Clippsly is official Roblox’s music provider which makes your music available in their platform.”


The “partnership” and “collaboration” parts in the post is also misleading as you’re not directly affiliated with Roblox.


Hello Roblox developers!

Clippsly recognizes the recent changes in Roblox’s terms of use, and we understand that the introduction of a 250-track limit and restrictions on creating streaming services might be perceived as challenging for creators. We acknowledge that these limitations could potentially impact the breadth of musical variety and the ways in which creators can offer their content to players.

These changes do present certain constraints that might affect the creative freedom and possibilities for developers. The 250-track limit could limit the range of musical choices within a game or experience, potentially affecting the immersive quality that creators strive to achieve. Additionally, the prohibition on creating a streaming service or music library within an experience could hinder some creators’ intentions to provide a broader and more interactive musical experience to players.

Clippsly is committed to supporting creators, and we understand that these limitations might pose difficulties in fully realizing their creative visions. We will continue to work alongside Roblox and the community to explore possible ways to address these concerns and ensure that creators can maximize their creative potential while adhering to the platform’s guidelines.

While these changes do present challenges, we remain optimistic about the potential for collaborative efforts to find solutions that strike a balance between enabling creative expression and maintaining a healthy ecosystem within the Roblox platform. We value the dedication and ingenuity of creators and are eager to see how they adapt to these changes to continue delivering exceptional experiences to players.

Happy developing!

~ SG at Clippsly


I understand but you listed 34 tracks, and that is less than 250, though I am wondering who uploaded it (as the audio update prevents everyone from sharing them since last year except Roblox and some accounts like ParryGripp and Monstercat), if it’s from roblox, then it’s okay!

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The music is fully licensed and uploaded into account named Clippsly by roblox music team. For more information I’m redirecting to our website.


Hi everyone, 10 new tracks available, enjoy!

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Hello everyone, 24 new tracks available. Hope ya’ll enjoy!


Your website doesn’t work anymore.

edit: not trying to be rude or anything I’m just informing you incase you didn’t know.


Don’t worry, we are currently under maintenance break we’ll be back shortly.

Update: back online.

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okay, ill be sure to check it out! [OPEN BETA] Collective Theory is a game im making and its about space exploration, it needs some more music for the new planets.

edit: i clicked ‘visit our track roster’ and it sent me to this error 404 page:

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I’ve pushed an update right now, also you can access our roblox music at (should be on roster’s main page).

You should look for tracks made by Juicy Gius or CyPhrix most of the tracks made by them should match your game.

Hope you find a song that matches you game style!

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