Clippsly: Distribute Your Free Public Music to Roblox!

Oh okay, thanks for clarifying!

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The History Of Clippsly. Powered by Wayback

2023. The first look at Clippslys site. its just colors. nbd
mid 2023

ok? shape jumble?
late 2023

looks newer ngl
early 2024

and now. your truly. current (mid 2024 or is it late. idk)

the current clippsly added a heap of features such as: removal of from accounts (i think its still on blankas). verified checkmarks. a new website that only lets you listen to music and travel thru the website. just that. what. and showing the ID of a song in the songs page for roblox.

That’s nice however I would kindly ask you to stop spamming useless information on this topic as this topic is mainly made for questions and for updates.

oh. sorry for spamming i never noticed i was spamming. i apologise. clippsly is just obsessive to use. also in the preview site i encountered a bug (surprise surprise bc its a beta.) where it blocks me from commenting while logged in:

nice comment

wont go through.
my account isnt banned.

so this really is a problem
last thing: the location on your privacy policy is a place called Officeserv.

just to avoid further spamming. ill edit this. is this meant to be public or was the site glitched and let me in here: Cliptivity on Clippsly | Page 1

I kindly ask you to stop replying in this thread. For any questions please use our community server:

Comments on preview haven’t been implemented yet. (Update: comments work on preview.)

New tracks

WahRA - WASN βž” 137199341010702
jugsta - get on my page βž” 76248530644050
Generic - Plot Twist βž” 73809610312931
WahRA - WASN V2 βž” 106495464414175
777vp - it brews within βž” 84418339718401
777vp, CLXUDA - COMBAT! βž” 78722151997268
nMisaki - Night Crickets βž” 98322999208487
Generic - Tower of Tripling βž” 131749006402523
WahRA - PALWAAAARA βž” 120129772049187
d3r, 6arelyhuman - toxic βž” 86412047196482
WahRA - Yume Pastel World βž” 72912033911374
WahRA - THXRAR βž” 129253185153342
SAKU, Mlody Johns - LV βž” 100759869047297
jugsta - dont worry βž” 136494725075704
WahRA - GEN Z βž” 82653877463573
Generic - Cloud Blitz βž” 104523074330511
WahRA - A twisted world βž” 83563840833636
uzipack - PHONK KILLAZ βž” 86179292245507
jugsta - start again βž” 97053235499975
uzipack - DEVIL EP CUT βž” 84199874669441
GoofyAhhTate - Skibidi Daddy βž” 135773087574779
WahRA - KKJJLO βž” 87863734163876
777vp - untitled βž” 98176823508835
WahRA - NANKHAEHIN βž” 75468112718541
SAKU, Adisone - SPACE X βž” 93801717133499
uzipack - UNLOCK YOUR MIND βž” 132575946341603


Do you think we might get KSI’s Thick if It?


KSI isnt in their program. Plus

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sorry for possible spamming. but one of the new tracks (ID: 76248530644050) wont play at all.

i know it isnt robloxs end because someone said roblox wont play long ids. maybe its privated? roblox does play Stussy by nMisaki (3 minutes long) and this is 2 minutes!

Please refer to Roblox’s audio limitations section, everything about why our tracks are not playable on Roblox is available here: Amplify Your Experiences with New Music

just a quick message. is cliptivity a staff only page or public? also you need a forum of your own for bugs and features and announcements and allow login to it with ClipID. I recommend using this! just see what the fine people of roblox have used it for!

sorry in advance if i were spamming. also i dont use guilded i dont communicate at all
edit: btw this is what i meant by cliptivity

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It works for my client whenever I join an admin game (such as Admin House) and play an ID. However, it doesn’t work for others.

So is Clippsly now only music for developing Roblox games, or can it be used as regular public audio?

Edit: It’s only the long IDs that don’t work globally. (rip audios)

The new batch is for developer approval, all previous are public in all games.


That kind of sucks. At least every audio that was made before developer approval work.

It isn’t great because games that run off user creations (such as Obby Creator or Admin House) depend on music to enhance the experience. It’s a bit disappointing to see that the new audios that are uploaded have to be approved by the developer.

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Yall im trying some audio IDs and although i can hear them in website they don’t work ingame:
id: 84199874669441 (uzipack devil ep cut)

Please review my previous reply:

Is there a filter for songs that have an ID because right now I can’t find one song.
Looks good though the pause button not working is very annoying you have to refresh to stop the music

I recommend just using Creator Hub:

We are planning on expanding our strategy when it comes to music on Roblox, by automating deliveries to Roblox via our online platform in the future. This is not an announcement, but something that we wish to have in place at least up by the middle of the next year, this is not a definitive thing that is going to be introduced.


Question: How much from the Clippsly website gets added to Roblox?

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