Cloakedyoshi's Noob Defense - Map Creation

Cloakedyoshi’s Noob Defense - Map Creation Guide

  1. Take this model: CND Map Template 🔨 - Roblox

  2. Create a completely empty place with no baseplate.

  3. Copy and paste game.InsertService:LoadAsset(2842592386).Parent = game.Workspace into the command bar.

  4. Make your map! Do not change the hierarchy or rename any of the items within the folders. Do not rename the folders either.

  5. Publish the entire original folder (named “Map”) as a model, make it free to take.

  6. PM cloakedyoshi the following format:

    Map Name: Sample Name

    Map Year (what year it takes place in): 2019

    Map Creator(s): cloakedyoshi

    Map Model: CND Map Template 🔨 - Roblox



  • The map folder is for the entire level.
  • The details folder is for any structures/trees/buildings you wish to include.
  • The terrain folder is for the basic ground geometry of the level.
  • The noob spawns should be identical and can be customized in any way.
  • The border shape and baseplate size can not be modified.
  • Make sure your level has enough space for six fully-upgraded bases.
  • The compasses should all be the same rotation, one for each spawn.
  • Maps that are too simple or too detailed will likely be denied. Try to match the TDTNTOR/CND art style!

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