Clone character problem

well i want to clone player’s character in my game through server-script , it did clone it but the cloned character has no accessories and shirts… what went wrong?

		character.Archivable = true
		clonedCharacter = character:Clone()
		clonedCharacter.Name = plr.Name
		clonedCharacter.Parent = playerModelFolder

yo could use a format like this maybe:

local playerToClone = ""

function CloneMe(char) --a function that clones a player
   char.Archivable = true
   local clone = char:Clone()
   char.Archivable = false
   return clone

local charClone = CloneMe(game.Players[playerToClone].Character) --connects function and defines "charClone" as the result of the function
charClone.Parent = game.Workspace
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i try it , it doesnt work. However, i did solve it by adding task.wait, i just realized that the problem lies on the cloning, the character wasn’t loaded properly and it clone before it fully loaded

mark ur post as solution for those who have this problem

just use Player.CharacterAppearanceLoaded:Wait instead of the task.wait()


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