Clone doesn't exist?

Nothing different unfortunately.

Yeah… Might as well post this in Engine bugs because I feel dumb trying to solve something so simple :joy:

Can you try
RadioUI:Clone().Parent = path

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I used the same exact code, and it worked for me.
If you didn’t notice the post earlier, click here to go to the post.

Ok basically I’m going to take a different approach of putting it in PlayerGui since this is really annoying.

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Oh, my ReplicatedStorage has Archivable off. Could that be the reason?

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Yeah, most-likely. If something has Archivable ticked off it can’t be accessed. There’s your problem fix, maybe.

Yes, I reproduced your situation and Radio disappears when ReplicatedStorage.Archivable is set to false.

edit: why does archivable even exist

This is definitely the reason why it’s not working. 30M of fixing a miss-click, lol.

Stuff you have in Studio but don’t want to exist in game. It’ll be gone when you save. For example, your characters have Archivable set to false so you can save your game in Play mode without the characters being saved.


Oh, ok. I think it would be pretty helpful if there was an icon next to the object in the Explorer, if it was Archivable. That would save a lot of time.