Hello, I’m making a script and this is what I have
for k = 1, #roomType, 1 do
local papa = script.Parent.Availability.Rooms.DemoRoom:Clone()
papa.Name = "test" --roomType[k]
papa.TextLabel.Text = "test" --roomType[k]
papa.Position = UDim2.new(0, 1+(75*level),0, 28+((k)*30))
papa.Visible = true
if k % 5 == 0 then
level = level + 1
I tried many things but it doesn’t clone anything. I used prints and the code runs everything but the close doesn’t work.
Did you forget to set the parent, because I don’t see you setting the parent in that code snippet.
Where is the folder that contains the rooms located? In ReplicatedStorage?
StarterGUI, the parent of the cloned is inside a frame inside a frame inside a Screen Gui
I don’t intend to change parent, when it clones it should be the same right?
Ah, I see, so this is a GUI and not a model.
You have to set the parent yourself when you clone an object. Try doing papa.Parent = YourLocationHere
Does the GUI have its Enabled value set to true?
Yeah that was my mistake, I read somewhere on the DevHub that it keeps the same parent but I just checked and I read wrong.
No worries, glad I could resolve your issue quickly!