:Clone() question

So basically I have a GUI tool in which you can turn on/off to destroy/clone a model to reduce lag. But if the person has it enabled (aka model destroyed) and resets their character, then the script won’t work, as clearly, the cloned model is not archivable and can’t be loaded in. How can I get around this? Is there a way to “save” this clone in an instance and then load it in? Thanks!

One of the solutions might be if the local script that runs is in a gui element make sure the property ResetOnSpawn of the screengui is disabled. Can you show me your script so I can look

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Brother, I love you. I absolutely love you. This instantly fixes my entire settings gui, have 10 options in it. WHY DIDN’T I KNOW ABOUT THIS AHAHAH. Thank you so much.

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