Cloned-gear in script doesn't work

I added coil in replicatedstorage, however, it doesn’t work.
first one is coil that I put in starterpack, second one is coil that I put in replicatedstorage and cloned it

local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local ownsGamepass = game:GetService("MarketplaceService"):UserOwnsGamePassAsync(player.UserId,12999487) -- gamepass

if ownsGamepass then
	local sword = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("GravityCoil"):Clone() -- clone it
	sword.Parent = player.Backpack -- paste it

What should I do?

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Your handling if they have the gamepass on the client and then your cloning it from rep storage and its not gonna replicate

like above you should change this to a server script and clone from there
when you clone this tool from a local script the server script in the tool is not running because it isn’t actually on the server

you are cloning the coil on the client side, but the script that’s handling the coil (giving you the jump) is a server script. You can change the script that’s handling the coil to a local script, or you can clone the coil on the server side.

I resolved the same type of problem from another user several days ago: link

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